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対象: アイヌ研究 文化人類学 日本研究 民族学 民俗学 比較文化研究 観光学

アイヌ・ライブラリー 第3回配本
アイヌ文化編 第1期

紀行文とアイヌ文化 全5巻

Early European Writings on Ainu Culture,
Pt. 1 Travelogues and General Descriptions
編集:Kirsten Refsing, Professor of Japanese, University of Hong Kong

¥115,000 (本体セット価)
ISBN: 4-931444-19-9





アイヌ言語ヨーロッパ初期文献復刻集成 全10巻
Early European Writings of the Ainu Language
1996年11月刊 品切れ

アイヌ語の起源 全5巻
Origins of the Ainu Language: The Indo-European Controversy
1998年1月刊 \115,000(本体セット価)

アイヌ文化編第2期 全5巻
Ainu Folklore-Epics and Tales


アイヌ文化編第3期 全5巻
Ainu Material Culture


アイヌ・ライブラリー 第3回配本

アイヌ文化編 第1期「紀行文とアイヌ文化」全5巻
Early European Writings on Ainu Culture,
Pt. 1 Travelogues and General Descriptions

Ackermann, Jessie 'Some Notes on the Ainu', Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1906
Bank, Tod "Contemporary Ainu", Explorer's Journal, London, 1960
Batchelor, J. The Ainus of Japan, London 1892
Barchelor, J. Sea-girt Yezo, Glimpses of missionary work in North Japan, London 1902
Batchelor, J. Steps by the way or autobiographical notes, 1936
Bertrand, Gabrielle, 'Chez les Ainos', La Geographie, 1937
Blackiston, T. 'A journey in Yezo.', Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 1872
Bousquet, G. 'Une excursion dans le nord fu Japon' Revue des Deux mondes, 1875
Brandt, Max von "Uber die Ainos", English transl. Jnl. of the Royal Anthropological Inst. GB and Ireland, 1887
Branus, David 'Die Ainos der Insel Yezo',Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie, 1883
Bridgford, Capt. " A Journey in Yezo", Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1873/4
Campbell, Archibald Gowan "Among the hairy Ainos of Yezo", Wide World Magazine, 1899
Checkov, A. The Island 1967 and 1987
Denning, Walter "A Visit to the Ainos", Church Missionary Intelligencer and Record, 1877
Dixon, J.M. "The Tsuishikari Ainos", Transactions of the Asiatiic Society of Japan, 1883
Finck, Henry T. "The Ainos of Northern Japan", Outing, 1894
Fischer, Adolph "Auf Yezo", Westermanns Illustrierte Deutsche Monatshefte, 1896/97
Fritze, Adolph "Ein Besusch bei den Ainu", Globus, 1893
Genest, O. "Kapitan Jakobsens Reisen im Gebiete der Giljaken und auf Insel Sachalin" Globus, 1888
Goodrich, J. K. " Ainu Family-Life and Religion", Popular Science Monthly, 1893
Holland, S. C " On the Ainos", Jnl. of the Royal Anthropological Inst. of GB and Ireland, 1874
James, N. Pertricoat Vagabond in Ainu Land and up and down Eastern Asia, New York, 1942
James, N. "What future for the Ainu", Asia, 1942
Joest, Wilhelm "Die Ainos", Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie, 1882
Keith, Ellizabeth Eastern Windows, London, 1928
Kreitner, G. "Das Ainovollk", Mitteilungen der kaiserlichen und koiglichen Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Wien, 1881
Kohn Albin "Die jetzige Lage der Bewohner der Kurilen", Globus, 1877
Landor, Arnold Henry Savage, Alone with the hairy Ainu, London, 1893
Little "Ein Besuch bei den Aino" Allgemeine Missions Zeitschrift, 1909
Milne, J. B. "Notes on a Journey in North East Yesso", Suppl. Papers of the Royal Geographical Soc., 1894
Moliosch, Hans Im Lande der aufgehenden Sonne, Wien 1927. Chapter on the Ainu
Munsterhjelm, L. Farder i fjaran ostern, Helsinki, 1922
Nippold, Ottfried Wanderungen durch Japan, Jena, 1893
Nouryy, J. M. "Sur lle nord de l'ile Nippon" Archives de Medecine Navale, 1870
Revilliod, J. F. "Voyages dans Yezo", Le Globe, 1897
Ritter, H. "Uber eine Reise im sudwestlischen Teile von Yezo",
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellshaft fur Natur und Volkerkunde Ostasiens, 1874
Salwey, Charlotte, "The Ainu: Past and Present", Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1911
Salwey, C. "The Kuril Islands, called by the Japanese Chishima", Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1912
Satow, Ernest "The Ainos of Yezo", The Phoenix, 1870
Schaffer, M.T.S. "With the Hairy Ainus", Travel and Explorarion, 1910
Schlesinger, G. "Die Insel Yezo und die Ainos", Deutsche Rundschau, 1880
Shafranovskaya, T. K.(et. al.) " The Ainu in the Jnl. of E.E. Levenstern" Soviet Anthropology and Archeology, 1987
Siebold, H. Von "Ethnologische Studien uber die Aino auf der Insel Yesso", Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie Suppl. 1881
Snow, H. J. Forbidden Seas, London, 1910,(Only chapter on "The Kurile Ainu" )
St. John, H. C. "The Ainos", Jnl. of the Royal Anthropological Inst. of GB and Ireland, 1873
Stewart, W. T. "An evening with the Ainu Chief", Phillipine Magazine, 1933
Thomas, W. T. " A Visit to the Ainu", Missionary Review of the World, 1937
Todd, Mable L. "In Aino Land", Century, 1897
"Vakarimasen": "Un coin du Japon: Les Ainos", Le Courrier d'Haiphong, 1982
Watson, R. G. "Notes on a Journey in the Island of Yezo", Proc. of the Royal Geographical Soc. of London, 1874
Wood, W. M. "The Hairy Men of Yesso", Transactions of the Ethnological Society, 1866