
第2回:18世紀後期初期文献集 全4巻 + 別冊解説(日本語)
Books on Children in 16th-18th Century Britain Series II (1751-1800)
第2回配本編集・解説: 向井秀忠(フェリス女学院大学)


価格\88,000 (本体セット)


編者より ― 子どもに関するイギリスの初期文献(1751-1800)
フェリス女学院大学教授 向井秀忠


Vol. 1: c. 270pp.
Bourn, Benjamin
A sure guide to Hell. In seven sections, containing directions to parents in the education of their children… 2nd edition
London, 1751, c.104pp.

The young student's assistant; or literary entertainer... Part 3: Some serious reflections on the melancholy consequences which too naturally attend the neglect of parents, in the education of their children
London, 1752, c.13pp.

Well-Wisher to the Souls of Men
Five letters of advice: humbly offered I to parents: concerning the education of their children in the fear of God, II To children to excite them to remember their creator in the days of their youth
London, 1754, c.84pp.

Dawson, Benjamin
Some assistance offered to parents with respect to the religious education of their children…
London, 1759, c.28pp.

Kennett, White
The excellent daughter: a discourse very necessary to be given by all parents to their children,… To which is added several proper lessons of the duty of daughters,… 7th ed.
London, 1760, c.36pp.

Vol. 2: c.310pp.

Taylor, Philip, of Liverpool
Virtuous children the joy of their parents. A sermon to young people.
London, 1771, c.22pp.

The laws respecting women, as they regard...the obligations of parent and child, Book the Fourth, Of the laws concerning parents and children; and the interests of infants (pp.349-449 only)
1777, c.110pp.

Lancaster, Thomas
A plan of education, for a limited number of young gentlement...those parents, who regard the health, comfort, and virtue of their children..
1794, c.79pp.

Beddoes, Thomas
A guide for self perservation & parental affection; or plain direction for enabling people to keep themselves and their children free from several common disorders.
London, 1793, c.24pp.

Advice to parents on the management of their children in natural small pox, and during inoculation… 2nd ed.
London, 1797, c.66pp.

Vol. 3: c.465pp.
Salzmann, Christian Gotthilf
Elements of morality for the use of children,… translated from the German, 2 vols. in 1
London, 1793, c.460pp.

Vol. 4: c.415pp.
Lawson, George
The joy of children in wise children. A sermon.
Edinburgh, 1798, c.34pp.

Lovechild, Mrs.
Parsing lessons for young children: resolved into their elements for the assistance of parents and teachers London
1798, c.70pp.

Berquin, Amaud
The family book, or, children's journal. Consisting of moral and entertaining stories...From the French…
London, 1798, c.305pp.

第1回:18世紀初期文献集 全4巻+別冊解説(日本語)
Books on Children in 16th-18th Century Britain Series I (1701-1750) 
第1回配本編集・解説: 同志社大学助教授 圓月優子
本体価格\98,000 (本体セット)
A5判 c. 1,910pp
ISBN: 4-902454-31-9

第3回:16-17世紀文献集 全5巻+別冊解説(日本語)
Books on Children in 16th-18th Century Britain Series III (1571-1700)
第3回配本編集・解説: 鈴木実佳 (静岡大学)

Eureka Press
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