
『子どもの文化史 - 英国16‐18世紀文献集成シリーズ
第3回:16-17世紀文献集 17文献・合本5巻+別冊解説(日本語)Books on Children in 16th-18th Century Britain Series III (1571-1699)
第3回配本編集・解説: 鈴木実佳 (静岡大学)


A5判 約2,250頁
本体価格 \118,000(税込123,900)ISBN: 978-4-902454-32-1






Vol. 1: (c.360pp)

Plutarch, Translated and partly augmented by E. Grant

A president for parents, teaching the vertuous training of children and holesome information of young men, London, 1571, 152pp

Kempe, William

The education of children in learning: declared by the dignities, utility, and method thereof…, London, 1588, 60pp

Lyster, John

A rule how to bring up children, a treatise wherein is declared, how the father approseth his sonne in the holy Scripture…, London, 1588, 144pp

Vol. 2: (c. 560pp)


The office of Christian parents: shewing how children are to be governed throughout all ages and times of their life. Cambridge, 1616, 264pp

Leigh, Dorothy

The Mothers Blessing: or, the godly Counsaile of a Gentle-woman not long since deceased, left behind her for her children…, London, 1616, 288pp

Vol. 3: (c.550pp)


A schoole of nurture for children or The duty of children in honouring their parents…, London, 1656, 72pp


The school of learning; or, A guide for children…, London, 1668, 24pp

Stockton, Owen

A treatise of family instruction wherein it is proved to be the duty of parents and master of families to train up their children and servants in knowledge of the scriptures…, London, 1672, 350pp



A looking-glass for children. Being a narrative of God's gracious dealings with some little children…, London, 1673, 96pp


Vol. 4: (c.440pp)

Lawrence, Edward

Parents groans over their wicked children several sermons on Prov. XVII, 25, London, 1681, 142pp


Wait, Joseph

The parents primer and the mothers lookingglasse. Or, Counsel for parents in the education of children…, London, 1681, 292pp


Vol. 5: (c. 310pp)

Lawson, Thomas

A serious remembrancer to live well written primarily to children and young people…, London, 1684, 32pp


Burgess, Daniel

Advice to parents and children, the sum of a few sermons, contracted, and published at the request of may pious hearers, London, 1690, 79pp


Heywood, Oliver

The best entail, or, Dying parents living hopes for their surviving children grounded upon the covenant of Gods grace, with believers and their seed…,
London, 1693, 112pp


Bellers, John

An epistle to Friends, concerning the education of children, London, 1697, 3pp

Curtois, John

An essay to persuade Christian parents to educate their children in virtue and piety from the consideration of God's commands…, London, 1697, 50pp


Ainsworth, Robert

The most natural and easie way of institution containing proposals for making a domestic education less chargeable to parents and more easie and beneficial to children…, London, 1699, 32pp



◆子どもの文化史 - 英国16‐18世紀文献集成◆

第1回:18世紀初期文献集 全4巻+別冊解説(日本語)

Books on Children in 16th-18th Century Britain Series I (1701-1750) 

第1回配本編集・解説: 同志社大学助教授 圓月優子


本体価格\98,000 (税込\102,900)

A5判 c.1,910pp

ISBN: 978-4-902454-31-9




Monro, George

The just measures of the pious institution of youth represented according to the maxims of the Gospel, in several essayes. Pt. 1 Recommending upto parents, and others concerned, what they owe more immediately to the souls of children…, London, 1701

Nichols, William

A treatise of consolation to parents for the death of their children…,
London, 1701


Gaius Seius

The mothers looking-glass: or, the concurrent judgement of the learned…,
London, 1702

Taylor, Nathanael

Practical discourses on several important subjects; a discourse of the
children of holy parents, Chapter I & IV, London, 1703

Mortimer, John

Advice to parents; or, rules for the education of children, London, 1704


An hundred godly lessons,that a mother on her death-bed gave to her children
…, Edinburgh, 1715

Fleetwood, William

The relative duties of parents and children, husbands and wives, masters and
servants; considered in sixteen practical discourses, 2nd ed., London, 1716



The indulgent parents, and rebellious children, London, 1718

Cooke, Shadrach

Consolation for parents upon the loss of children, London, 1721

Society of Friends

An epistle of caution and advice to parents, recommending a godly care for the educating their children in a Christian conversation, London, 1723

Swift, Jonathan

A modest proposal for preventing the children of poor people from being a burthen to their parents, or the country, and for making them beneficial to the publick, 2nd ed., Dublin, 1729

Eminent Physician

The Nurse's guide; or, the right method of bringing up young children; the right manner, and true method of bringing up young children according to the rules of physic, London, 1729

Doddridge, Philip

Sermons on the religious education of children preached at Northampton, London, 1732

Vol. 4:

Author of the advantages of closet religion

A persuasive to family religion; and the obligation Christian parents are
under to the religious education of their children…, 1737



Family religion: or, a guide to parents and masters, to children and
servants, London, 1741, 70pp


Barclay, James

A treatise on education: or, an easy method of acquiring language, and
introducing children to the knowledge of history, geography, mythology,
antiquities…, Edinburgh, 1743



The common errors in the education of children, and their consequences…,
London, 1744


◆子どもの文化史 - 英国16‐18世紀文献集成◆

第2回:18世紀後期初期文献集 全4巻 + 別冊解説(日本語)

Books on Children in 16th-18th Century Britain Series II (1751-1800)

第2回配本編集・解説: 向井秀忠(フェリス女学院大学)


A5判 約1,550頁

本体セット価格\88,000 (税込\92,400)




Vol. 1: c. 270pp.

Bourn, Benjamin

A sure guide to Hell, in seven sections, containing directions to parents in
the education of their children… 2nd edition, London, 1751



The young student's assistant; or literary entertainer… Part 3: Some
serious reflections on the melancholy consequences which too naturally
attend the neglect of parents, in the education of their children, London,


Well-Wisher to the Souls of Men

Five letters of advice: humbly offered I to parents: concerning the
education of their children in the fear of God, II To children to excite
them to remember their creator in the days of their youth, London, 1754


Dawson, Benjamin

Some assistance offered to parents with respect to the religious education
of their children…, London, 1759


Kennett, White

The excellent daughter: a discourse very necessary to be given by all
parents to their children… to which is added several proper lessons of the
duty of daughters… 7th ed., London, 1760


Vol. 2: c.310pp.

Taylor, Philip, of Liverpool

Virtuous children the joy of their parents, a sermon to young people,
London, 1771



The laws respecting women, as they regard...the obligations of parent and
child, Book the Fourth, of the laws concerning parents and children; and the
interests of infants (pp.349-449 only), 1777


Lancaster, Thomas

A plan of education, for a limited number of young gentlemen...those
parents, who regard the health, comfort, and virtue of their children…,


Beddoes, Thomas

A guide for self preservation & parental affection; or plain direction for
enabling people to keep themselves and their children free from several
common disorders, London, 1793



Advice to parents on the management of their children in natural small pox,
and during inoculation… 2nd ed., London, 1797


Vol. 3: c.465pp.

Salzmann, Christian Gotthilf

Elements of morality for the use of children… translated from German, 2
vols. in 1, London, 1793


Vol. 4: c.415pp.

Lawson, George

The joy of children in wise children, a sermon, Edinburgh, 1798


Lovechild, Mrs.

Parsing lessons for young children: resolved into their elements for the
assistance of parents and teachers, London, 1798


Berquin, Amaud

The family book, or, children's journal. Consisting of moral and
entertaining stories… from the French…, London, 1798


Eureka Press
Edition Synapse