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The Ainu Library Series 第1回配本
アイヌ語:ヨーロッパ初期文献復刻集成 全10巻
Early European Writings of the Ainu Language in 10 vols.
価格\195,000 (本体価格)
ISBN 0-7007-0400-0
アイヌ言語研究の貴重書を集めたこの集成は、刊行後アイヌ研究者のみならず言語学者、日本語学者など学会から大きな反響を集めています。キリスト教宣教師が17世紀より開始したアイヌ語語彙収集は、18世紀になるとより体系的な学問としての側面を見せはじめ、辞書編纂へと発展してゆきます。これらのアイヌ語研究は19世紀末より北海道に住みアイヌ研究を続けた英国人John Batchelorにより頂点を迎え、金田一京助らその後の日本人のアイヌ研究に多大な影響を与えたとされます。この集成は、主要な語彙集、辞書を年代を追って収録すると共に、ヨ−ロッパ人により集められ翻訳されたアイヌの詩、民話、聖書、及び言語研究論文を幅広く集めています。Batchelor, Chamberlainなどによる基本文献はもとより、入手の極めて困難なKlaproth, Pfiszmaier, 及びRadlinski, Dobrotvorskiiの辞書等を網羅、現在これだけの資料を原書で集めることはほとんど不可能です。巻頭には、ヨ−ロッパのアイヌ語研究史に関する詳細な解説文が編者Refsing 自身により書き下ろされています。


Volume 1 : Introduction and Glossaries
Introduction by Kirsten Refsing Milct-Murcau, L-M
        Voyage de La Perouse autour du monde (Paris, 1797) Glossary of Ainu in vol. 3 Langsdorff,
Georg Heinrich
        Bemerkungen auf einer Reise um die Welt in den Jahren 1803 bis 1807 (Frankfurt am Main, 1812) Glossary of Ainu in Vol. 2
Klaproth, Julius von
        Asia Polyglotta (Paris, 1823) Glossary of Ainu Pfizmaier, August
        Bemerkungen uber die von La Perouse gelieferte Wortersammlung der Sprache von Saghalien in :Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, 3 (1850)

Pfizmaier, August
        Kritische Durchsichr der von Dawidow verfassten Wortersammlung aus der Sprache der Aino's in : Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wicn, Sitzungsbcrichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, 7, (1851) Beilage ; with English translation and commentary in manuscript by John Batchelor

Volume 2 : Glossaries (continued)
Pfizmaier, August
        Vocabularium der Aino-Sprache in : Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, Denkschriften 5 Bd., 1. Abt. (1854)
de Charencey, Hyacinthe, comte
        Recherches sur le flore Aino in : Actes de la Societe philologique (Paris, January 1873)
de Charencey, Hyacinthe, comte
        Recherches sur la langue Ainou in : Journal Asiatique (Paris, 1899)de Charencey, Hyacinthe, comte
        Deux termes de la langue Ainou in : Journal Asiatique (Paris, 1907)
Metchnikoff, Leon
        Vocabulaire Japonais-Aino-Coreen in : Ban Zai Sau, Vol IV (Geneva, 1880)Dening, Walter
        A Vocabulary of Ainu Words and Phrases in : Chrysanthemum, 1(Yokohama, 1881)
Batchelor, John
        An Ainu Vocabulary in : Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 10 (Yokohama, 1882)
Pfizmajer, August
        Untersuchungen uber Ainu-Gegenstande : Durchsicht der Aino Flora in : Sitzungsberichte der Akademie zu Wien (1883)
Summers, James
        An Aino-English vocabulary in : Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Volume 14 (Yokohama, 1886)
Radlinski, Ignacy
        Slowniki Narzeczy Ludow Kamczackich, 1: Slownik Narzecza Ainow ze zbiorow Prof. B. Dybowskicgo (Krakow, 1891) 

Volume 3 : Dictionaries
Dobrotvorskii, Mikhail Mikhailovich
         Ainsko-Russkii Slovar' (Kazan, 1875)
Volume 4 : Dictionaries (continued)
Batchelor, John
An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary, Third edition (Tokyo and London, 1926)
Volume 5 : Texts Pfizmaicr, August
         Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aino-Poesie, 1-3 in : Sitzungsberichte der Akadcmic zu Wien (1850) Uwepekere, or Ainu Fireside Stories. Translated by John Batchelor (Tokyo, 1924) Kamui fushko aeuitaknup iyohaichish (The Book of Psalms). Translated into Ainu by John Batchelor (Yokohama, 1896) 

Volume 6 : Texts (continued)Ainu karisia eiwange gusu an inonno itak oma kambi. (The Book of Common Prayer.) Translated into Ainu by John Batchelor (1896)
Ainu Seiko Kai gusu an Inonno-itak newa shinotcha-ibe oma Kambi-sosh. (Prayers and Hymns in Ainu.) Translated by John Batchelor (1906) 

Volume 7 : Texts (continued)Chikoro utrapa ne Yesu Kiristo ashiri aeuitaknup oma Kambi.
         (The New Testament.) Translated from the Greek by John Batchelor (Yokohama, 1897) 

Volume 8 : DescriptionsPfizmaier, August
          Uber die Aino-Sprache in :    Sitzungsberichte der Akademie zu Wien (1849)
          Pfizmaier, AugustUntersuchungen uber den Bau der Aino-Sprache in : Sitzungsberichte der Akademic zu Wien (1851) Pfizmaier, AugustErorterungen und Aufklarungen uber Aino in : Sitzungsberichte der Akademie zu Wien (1882) 

Volume 9 : Descriptions (continued)Hoshiki no an oro-oitak epakashinu kambi-sosh (Yokohama, 1894) Chamberlain, Basil Hall
        The Language, Mythology, and Geographical Nomenclarure of Japan Viewed in the Light of Aino Studies ; including An Ainu Grammar by John Batchelor, and a Catalogue of Books relating to Yezos and the Ainos. Memoirs of the Literature College. Imperial University of Japan, No. 1 (Tokyo, 1887) Batchelor, John

        The Pit-Dwellers of Hokkaido and AinuPlace-Names Considered (Sapporo, 1925) Batchelor, JohnHelps to the Study of Ancient Place-Names in Japan in : Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan (Tokyo, 1928) 

Volume 10 : Descriptions (continued)
Pilsudski, Bronislaw
        Materials for the Study of the Ainu Language and Folklore (Cracow, 1912) Roussclot, Jean Pierre
        Phonetique d'un groupe d'Ainos in : Revue de Phonetique 12 (Paris, 1912) Gjcrdman, OlofWord-parallels between Ainu and other languages in : Le Monde Oriental, XIX 1925 (Uppsala, 1926)