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『帝国史のなかの子ども ― 19世紀~20世紀初頭の史資料復刻集成 ―』(全4巻)
Children and Empire
Edited and Introduced by Cheryl M. Cassidy & Andrea Kaston-Tange, Eastern Michigan University, USA


234 x 156 mm ● 総約1,600頁
ISBN 978-4-86166-176-1


Volume 1: The “Civilizing” Mission: Education, Morality and Conversion
Part 1: Evangelism/Conversion / Part 2: Education / Part 3: The Child as Evangelical Tool
Volume 2: Management of Children: Life in Sickness and in Health
Part 4: Marriage and Childbirth / Part 5: Aspects of Child-Rearing / Part 6: Illness and Death / Part 7: Domestic Pastimes /
Volume 3: Migrations and Cultural Differences: Children throughout the Empire
Part 8: Immigration / Part 9: Pictures of Daily Life / Part 10: Images of the World’s Children for the Child ‘at Home’
Volume 4: Empire’s Children at Home: The Domestic Impact of a Presence Abroad
Part 11: Domestic Empires / Part 12: Paid Labor Forces / Part 13: The Post-Darwinian Child / Part 14: Children, War and Patriotism

Volume 1: The “Civilizing” Mission: Education, Morality and Conversion
Part 1: Evangelism/Conversion:
1. "An Irish Boy's Legacy to the Holy Childhood." The Irish Monthly 13.150 (1885): pp. 657.
2. The Children’s Missionary Newspaper. (Dec. 1843), pp. 1-9 and (Jan. 1844), pp. 9-16.
3. Day, Miss S. Louise. “’Junior Work’: Christian Endeavor Societies in Mission Lands” Life and Light for Woman (Feb. 1895), pp. 62-69.
4. Gregson, Rev. John “Poor Abraham” The Juvenile Missionary Herald (London: J. Heaton & Son, 1860), p. 24.
5. Hubbard, Ethel Daniels, and Mary Porter Gamewell. Under Marching Orders: A Story of Mary Porter Gamewell. (New York: The Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, 1909), pp. 3-15.
6. “Human Sacrifice.” The Missionary Magazine and Chronicle CXIX (1846), frontispiece, pp. 50-51.
7. Heymann, M. “Jewish Child-Saving in the U. S.” Charities Review 6 (July, 1897), pp. 438-40.
8. Riggs, Steven R. Tah-Koo Wah-Kan: The Gospel Among the Dakotas. (Boston: Congregational-Sabbath School and Publishing Society, 1869), pp. 36-53, 401-407.
9. “The Missionary in India, Extracted from a Letter of the Rev. John Gregson, Agra.” The Juvenile Missionary Herald (London: Heaton & Son, 1860), p. 63-65.
10. Cattell, Milly. Behind the Purdah, or the Lives and Legends of our Hindu Sisters. (Calcutta & Simla: Thacker, Spink & Co., 1916), pp. 1-11
11. Dense, Emma. “A Half Day Among the Zenanas” Heathen Woman’s Friend (Oct. 1892), pp. 79-81.
12. Lee, Ada. “A Day in the Zenanas” Woman’s Missionary Friend (Oct., 1898), pp. 115-116.
13. Tucker, Sarah. South India Sketches, vol. 1 (London: James Nisbet, 1848), pp. 1-17.
14. Anderson, Rufus. The History of the Sandwich Islands Mission. (Boston: Congregational Publishing Society, 1870), pp. 26-31, 178-182, 240-248, 265-270.
15. Thurston, Lucy Goodale. The Life and Times of Mrs. Lucy G. Thurston (Ann Arbor, Michigan: S.C. Andrews, 1882), pp. 125-136. 143-144, 147-154.

Part 2: Education
16. Jones, Miss Nancy. “Life in a New Station, Mount Silinda, Gazaland” Life and Light for Woman (Dec. 1894), pp. 589-590.
17. “’Juvenile Department’, Course of Study” Life and Light for Woman (Feb. 1895), pp. 97-99.
18. Bengal, Margaretha J. “The Pear Flower School of Korea” Heathen Woman’s Friend (April 1893) frontispiece, p. 230.
19. Carpenter, Mary Thorn. A Girl’s Winter in India. (New York: A.D.F. Randolph, 1892), pp. 84-97.
20. Denning, Mrs. Margaret. “Orphanages in India” Woman’s Missionary Friend (Oct. 1897), frontispiece, pp. 91-94.
21. Evans, Miss J. G. “China. Girls’ Day School at Tung-Cho.” Life and Light for Woman (Feb. 1894), pp. 62-65.
22. Lash, Rev. A. H. Blossoms and Fruit of Missionary Work or What Indian Girls Can Do. (London: John F. Shaw & Co., 1885), pp. 11-36.
23. Perkins, Fanny A. “School Comrades in Rangoon” Woman’s Missionary Friend (June 1896), pp. 331-332.
24. Root, Pauline, M.D. “India. Contrasts.” Life and Light for Woman (Dec. 1892), pp. 553-557.
25. Root, Dr. Pauline. “The Kindergarten in Kobe, Japan” Life and Light for Woman (Oct, 1892), pp. 459-463.
26. Stosch, The Rev. George. “Education in India” The Missionary Review of the World 17 (April
1894), pp. 270-74.
Middle East:
27. Whately, Mary Louise. Ragged Life in Egypt (London: Seeley, Jackson and Hallday, 1863), pp.48-56. 161-173. 197-208.
28. Mather, Helen. One Summer in Hawaii. (New York: Cassell Publishing Co., 1891), pp. 151-157.

Part 3: The Child as Evangelical Tool
29. Cushman, Clara M. “Sarah Wang Introduced” Heathen Woman’s Friend (Jan. 1893), pp. 168-169.
30. Gilson, Miss H. J. “A Zulu Christian?The Story of Ella” Life and Light for Woman (Aug. 1895), pp. 364-366.
31. Hume, Mrs. Edward S. “India. Self-Offering.” Life and Light For Woman, August, 1891: 394-98.
32. Lee, Ada. Seven Heroic Children. A Great Sorrow and a Great Victory (London: Morgan and Scott, 1906), pp. 29-45. Includes frontispiece and two pages of photographs.
33. Liu, Sarah Wang. “Chinese Women” Heathen Woman’s Friend (Jan. 1893), p. 169.
34. Newton, Miss Ella J. “The Story of Ting Chio, Our ‘Precious Pearl’ ” Life and Light for Woman (Feb. 1894), pp. 57-60.
35. Noyles, Miss. B.B. “The Girls’ Normal School in Madura” Life and Light for Heathen Woman (July 1893), pp. 364-67
36. Rockey, Rev. N. L. “The Girl We Have But May Not Keep Her” Heathen Woman’s Friend (Oct.1892), pp. 84-86.
37. Sherwood, Mary Martha. The History of Little Henry and his Bearer (London: F. Houston & Son, 1816), pp. 12-17, 26-29, 129-139.

Volume 2: Management of Children: Life in Sickness and in Health
Part 4: Marriage and Childbirth
38. Chapman, Priscilla. Hindoo Female Education. (London: R. B. Seeley and W. Burnside, 1839), pp. 34?40.
39. Dennis, Rev. James S. “Child Marriage and Widowhood in India” Christian Missions and Social Progress, vol 1. (New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1898), pp. 197-200.
40. Gill, W. Wyatt. "Childbirth Customs of the Loyalty Islands, as Related by a Mangaian Female Teacher." The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 19 (1890): pp. 503-505.
41. Guinness, Lucy. “Ramabai” Woman’s Missionary Friend (Aug. 1898), pp. 39-43.
42. Hooker, Joseph. "Child-Bearing in Australia and New Zealand." The Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1869-1870) 1.1 (1869): pp. 68-75.
43. Lee, Ada. Chundra Lela. The Converted Fakir. (Cincinnati: Curts & Jennings, 1898), pp. 15-21.
44. Mueller, Professor F. Max. “The Story of an Indian Child-Wife” Contemporary Review LX (August, 1891), pp. 183-87.
45. Newton, Miss E. J. “The Little Bride that Was to Be” Life and Light for Woman (March 1893), pp. 120-122.
46. Paul, Mrs. George A. “Child Marriage in India” The Missionary Review of the World 17 (April 1894), pp. 267-270.
47. Roy, Raj Coomar. "Child Marriage in India." The North American Review 147.383 (1888): pp. 415-423.
48. Root, Pauline, M.D. “Young Women in India?A Letter to Mothers” Life and Light Woman (Oct. 1892), pp. 479-482.
49. Sarsvati, Pundita Ramabai. The High-Caste Hindu Woman. (New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1901), pp. 40-69.
50. Thomson, T. R. H. "Observations on the Reported Incompetency of the "Gins" Or Aboriginal Females of New Holland, to Procreate with a Native Male After having Borne Half-Caste Children to a European Or White." Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1848-1856) 3 (1854): pp. 243-246.

Part 5: Aspects of Child-Rearing
51. French-Sheldon, Mrs. "Customs among the Natives of East Africa, from Teita to Kilimegalia, with Special Reference to their Women and Children." The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 21 (1892): pp. 365-66, 371-373.
52. Kidd, Dudley. Savage Childhood. A Study of Kafir Children. (London: Adam and Charles Black, 1906) pp. 84-93.
53. Day, Samuel Phillips. "On the Power of Rearing Children among Savage Tribes." Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 5 (1867): pp. cc-ccii.
54. Bremner, Christina Sinclair. A Month in a Dandi. (London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co., 1891), p. 1-3.
55. Fraser, Mrs. Hugh. Letters from Japan: A Record of Modern Life in the Island Empire (London: Macmillan, 1905), p. 168-179.
Commonwealth Countries
56. Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster [Henry Edward Manning] and Benjamin Waugh. The Child of the English Savage. (London: London Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 1886), pp. 3-16.
57. Tylor, E. Burnet. "Wild Men and Beast-Children." Anthropological Review 1.1 (1863): pp. 21-32.
58. Bishop, Rev. Sereno Edwards. Reminiscences of Old Hawaii. (Honolulu: Hawaiian Gazette Co. Ltd., 1916), pp. 21-26, 39-41.

Part 6: Illness and Death
59. Berdoe, Edward. “Slum Mothers and Death Clubs-A Vindication” Review of Reviews (London edition) III(April, 1891), pp. 560-563.
60. Chevers, Norman. “Infanticide” in A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence for Bengal and the North Western Provinces (Calcutta: F. Carbery, Bengal Military Orphan Press, 1856), pp. 515-523.
61. Clarke, A. M. “Is infanticide Practised in China?” The Catholic World 60(1895), pp. 769-781.
62. Harper-Parker, Edward. “Infanticide in China” The University Magazine and Free Review 8 (September 1897), pp. 605-614.
63. “Infanticide in India” Chambers’s Journal 69 (August 1892), pp. 517-519.
64. Leuth, Florence Sterling. “The Famine In India” Woman’s Missionary Friend (July 1897), pp. 3-5.
65. Sherer, J.W. “An Indian Crime” Gentleman's Magazine CCLXIX (July, 1890), pp. 72-79.
66. Thurston, Lucy Goodale. The Missionary’s Daughter or A Memoir of Lucy Goodale Thurston of the Sandwich Islands (New York: Dayton and Newman, 1842), pp. 45-47, 158-172, 197-202.
67. Colton, G.Q. M.D. “The Care of Teeth” Ladies Home Journal (January, 1893): 20.
68. Davis, Edward P., M.D. and John M. Keating, M.D. Mother and Child (Philadelphia: J. B.Lippincott Company, 1894), pp. 357-380.
69. Klophel, M.D., C.G. Buchanan. “In Case of Diphtheria” Ladies Home Journal (January, 1893): 20.
70. Scovil, Elisabeth Robinson “Nursing in Congestion” Ladies Home Journal (January, 1893): 20.

Part 7: Domestic Pastimes
71. “Advertisements” The Ladies Home Journal (December, 1892): 9, 33.
72. Ashmore, Ruth. “Girls and Christmas Gifts” The Ladies Home Journal (Dec., 1892): 20.
73. Child, Mrs. Lydia Maria. “Games” The Girls’ Own Book (New York: Clark Austin & Co., 1833). p. 13-18.
74. Forrester, Mark, ed.. “The Crystal Palace” Forrester’s Pictorial Miscellany for Boys and Girls (Boston: F. & G. Rand, 1854), p. 7-11.
75. Harrison, Mrs. Burton “The Well-Bred Girl in Society” Ladies Home Journal (January, 1893): 6.
76. Hemyng, Bracebridge “The Rival Crusoes” The Boys of England (January, 1870): 33-36.
77. “Jack and His Mother” The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine, Book 2 (London: S. O. Beeton, 1866): 362-364.
78. “Papers for Girls” Godey’s Lady’s Book and Magazine (July, 1877): 37-38.
79. “Patterns” Godey’s Lady’s Book and Magazine (July, 1877).
80. Scovil, Elisabeth Robinson. “The Children’s Lunch” Ladies Home Journal (January, 1893): 16.
81. Sinclair, Catherine. “Chit Chat” in Holiday House, A Series of Tales (New York: Robert Carter, 1839), p. iii- 19.
82. Stoddard, William O. Winter Fun, from St. Nicholas Magazine (London: Bickers & Son, 1886), p.1-18.
83. “Work Department” Godey’s Lady’s Book and Magazine (July, 1877): 74-76

Volume 3: Migrations and Cultural Differences: Children throughout the Empire
Part 8: Immigration
84. “The British Lion and the Irish Monkey” Punch (April 8, 1848).
85. “Here and There; or Emigration A Remedy” Punch (July 15, 1848). p. 27
86. “The Ignorant Vote?Honors are Easy” Harper’s Weekly 20.1041 (December 9, 1876), cover page.
87. Wakefield, Edward Gibbon. A View of the Art of Colonisation (London: John W. Parker, 1849), pp. 407-410.
88. Chance, William. “Memorandum of Conditions Upon which the Local Government Board Assent to the Emigration of Orphan and Deserted Pauper Children to Canada” Children Under the Poor Law (London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897), pp. 261-266, 403-404.
89. "The Children of the Alien Poor." The British Medical Journal 2.1825 (1895), p. 1578.
90. Davison, Mary. “The Babies of Chinatown” The Cosmopolitan 28 (April 1900), pp. 605-612.
91. "Emigration of Pauper Children. Resolution and Discussion" Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, vol. 313. (April 1887), pp. 426-449.
92. Restrict all immigration! Protect yourself and your children against ruinous labor and business competition through unrestricted immigration. (San Francisco: W.W. Sherman, 1885), pp.1-8.
93. Wores, T. “Children of Chinatown in San Francisco” St. Nicholas 23.7 (May, 1896), pp. 575-577.
South Africa:
94. Butler, Maynard, ed. “Fifty-Eight Years, as Child and Woman, in South Africa” Fortnightly Review LXVII (April, 1900), pp. 537-550.
95. Duke of Argyll. “Planting-Out State Children in South Africa” Nineteenth Century XLVII (April, 1900), pp. 609-611.
96. Stevenson, Francis. “Child-Settlers for South Africa” Nineteenth Century L (December, 1901), pp. 1020-1029.
South Pacific:
97. Damon, Ethel M. Koamalu: A Story of the Pioneers on Kauai and of What They Built in that Island Garden (Honolulu, 1931), pp. 11-22.
98. Ellis, William and Rufus Anderson. Memoir of Mary Mercy Ellis: Wife of Rev. William Ellis, Missionary in the South Seas and Secretary of London Missionary Society (Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 1836), vii-xiii, xvi-xviii)

Part 9: Pictures of Daily Life
Africa and the Middle East:
99. Dennis, Mrs. James S. “Child life in Syria” Child Life in Many Lands, Henry Clay Trunbull, ed. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903: pp. 121-129.
100. Jessup, Anna H. "Children in Palestine." The Biblical World 10.6 (1897): pp. 401-413.
101. Martineau, Harriet. “The Hareem,” Eastern Life: Present and Past (Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1848), pp. 259-270.
102. Ayrton, Matilda Chaplin. “Seven Scenes of Child-Life in Japan,” Child-Life in Japan and Japanese Children’s Stories (London: Griffith and Farran, 1879), pp. vii-xiv, 3-13.
103. Ball, V. "Wolf-Reared Children (Extracted from "Jungle Life in India," Page 454 Et Seq.)."The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 9 (1880): pp. 465-474.
104. Bird, Isabella. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan (London: John Murray, 1880), pp. 128-134
105. Frayer, J. “European Child-Life in Bengal” Medical Times and Gazette 1 (May 17, 1873): pp. 515-517; (May 24, 1873): pp. 544-548.
106. Maclean, W.C. “Frayer on European Child-Life in India” The London Medical Record (August 6, 1873): p. 481.
107. “Mr. Bull’s Expensive Toys,” Punch (October 31, 1857), p. 181.
108. Palmer, J. W. “Child Life by the Ganges” Atlantic Monthly 1.5 (March 1858), pp. 625-634.
109. Jewell, Mrs. C. M. “Footbinding “Woman’s Missionary Friend (Oct. 1897), pp. 112-113.
110. Stanton, Alice F. “Foot-Binding in China” Heathen Woman’s Friend (Sept. 1894), pp. 78-80.
111. Leonowens, Anna Harriette. The English Governess at the Siamese Court. (London: Trubner & Co., 1870), pp. Preface. 42-48. 78-87.

Part 10: Images of the World’s Children for the Child ‘at Home’
112. Baldwin, Ella A. “Child Life in North Africa” Child Life in Many Lands, Henry Clay Trunbull, ed. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903: pp. 156-62.
113. Bettex, Paul. “Work and Play of a South American Boy” Child Life in Many Lands, Henry Clay Trunbull, ed. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903: pp. 72-79.
114. Hartsock, Rose Anna. “Child Life Among the Bobangis of the Congo” Child Life in Many Lands, Henry Clay Trunbull, ed. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903: pp. 163-69.
115. Bingham, Hiram. The Story of the Morning Star, the Children’s Missionary Vessel. (Boston: ABCFM, 1866), pp. 20-21.
116. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Stock Certificate. 1856.
117. Warren, Jane S. The Morning Star: History of the Children’s Missionary Vessel (Boston: Christian Tract Society, 1860), pp. 7-37.
118. Colerick, E. Fenwick. Adventures of Pioneer Children, or Life in the Wilderness. (Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 1888), pp. 41-46.
119. George, Marian M. Little Journeys to Hawaii and the Philipine Islands. (Chicago: A. Flanagan Company, 1901), pp. 54-57.
120. Marston, Annie Westland. The Children of China. Written for the Children of England. (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1884), frontispiece, pp. 161-171.
121. Marston, Annie Westland. The Children of India. Written for the Children of England. (London: Religious Tract Society, 1883): pp. 19-20, 46-60.
122. Phillips, Eliza Caroline. Peeps into China or the Missionary’s Album (London: Cassell Petter and Galpin, 1882), pp. 9-20, 208-224.
123. Wade, Mary Hazelton. Our Little Japanese Cousin. Boston: L.C. Page & Company, 1901), pp. Preface-25.

Volume 4: Empire’s Children at Home: The Domestic Impact of a Presence Abroad
Part 11: Domestic Empires
124. Barber, Eunice, Narrative of the tragical death of Mr. Darius Barber, and his seven children: who were inhumanly butchered by the Indians, in Camden County, Georgia, January 26, 1818: to which is added
an account of the captivity and sufferings of Mrs. Barber. (Boston: Shaw and Shoemaker, 1818), pp. 1-24.
125. Booth, Maud Ballington. “Baby Footprints in the Slums” Child Life in Many Lands, Henry Clay Trumbull, ed. (New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903), pp. 23-32.
126. Colman, Julia and Matilda G. Thompson. Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday School Union. “A Few Words about American Slave Children” The Child’s Anti-Slavery Book (New York: Carleton
and Porter, 1858), pp. 9-16
127. Cull, Richard, and Richard Owen. "A Brief Notice of the Aztec Race, Followed by a Description of the so-Called Aztec Children Exhibited on the Occasion." Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1848-1856) 4 (1856): pp. 128-137
128. Delpratt, Joseph. "We Wish To Present the Friends of the Poor African, with a Recent Advertisement of the Sale of a Negro Child, Taken from the Supplement to the Royal Jamaica Gazette of August 1st, 1827." (London: Howlett and Brimmer, 1827).
129. DeVore, Mary C. “Child Life in Alaska” Child Life in Many Lands, Henry Clay Trumbull, ed. (New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903), pp. 197-203.
130. Eastman, Elaine Goodale. “Child Life Among the American Indians” Child Life in Many Lands, Henry Clay Trumbull, ed. (New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903), pp. 51-56.
131. Dickerman, Mrs. A.H. and E. A. Davis. “The Indian Child and His Toys” Wide World Magazine II (December, 1898), pp. 315-320.
132. Dorsey, J. Owen. "Games of Teton Dakota Children." American Anthropologist 4.4 (1891): pp. 329-332.
133. Fletcher, Alice C. "Glimpses of Child-Life among the Omaha Tribe of Indians." The Journal of American Folklore 1.2 (1888): pp. 115-118.
134. Flynt, Josiah. “ The Children of the Road,” Atlantic Monthly 77.459 (January, 1896), pp. 58-71.
135. Smith, Amanda. An Autobiography: The Story of the Lord’s Dealings with Mrs. Amanda Smith, the colored evangelist; containing an account of her life work of faith, and her travels in America, England,
Ireland, Scotland, India and Africa, as an independent missionary. (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1896), pp. 1-19.
Great Britain:
136. Carpenter, Mary. Juvenile Delinquents: Their Condition and Treatment (London: W. & F. G. Cash, 1853), pp. 15-19.
137. Sherwood, Mrs. “The Gipsy Babes.” in The Works of Mrs. Sherwood, volume VII (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1834), pp. 321-348.
138. Smith, George of Coalville. “Our Gipsies, and their Children” London Society 47 (1885), pp.33-42.
139. Smith, George of Coalville. Gipsy Life: Being an Account of Our Gipsies and their Children. (London: Haughton & Co., 1880), pp. Frontispiece, Dedication, List of Illustrations, 48,118, 170,
140. Stanley, Mary. London Street Arabs. (London: Cassell & Company, Limited, 1890), pp. 5-12,plus assorted illustrations.
Street Arab illustrations:
141. “The Crossing-Sweeper Nuisance” Punch (January 26, 1856), p. 34.
142. “Caution!” Punch (July 28, 1855), p. 33.
143. “A Dreadful Shock to the Nerves” Punch (vol. 11, 1846), p. 26
144. “I’ve Nothing for You” Punch (vol. 24, 1853), p. 215.
145. Taylor, Una, and Georgiana Fullerton. "The Starving Children of Donegal." The Irish Monthly 11.118 (1883), pp. 213-215
146. “What Will Be Done With Him?” Punch (September 27, 1879), p. 137.

Part 12: Paid Labor Forces
147. "An Account of the Proceedings of the Society for Superseding the Necessity of Climbing Boys."
148. The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal 32 (October 1819), pp. 309-320.
149. Society for Superseding the Necessity of Climbing Boys. “The Scandiscope.” (1829).
150. Dron, Rev. J. A. Dron. “Infant Chimney-Sweepers” Good Words XL(October, 1899), pp. 668-670.
151. Browning, Benjamin. “The Canal Boats Act, 1877” The British Medical Journal (December 27, 1879), p. 1046.
152. Gerry, Elbridge T. "Cruelty to Children." The North American Review 137.320 (1883), pp. 70-74.
153. Hird, Frank. “Box Making” and “Canal Life” in The Cry of the Children. (London: James Bowden, 1898), pp. 9-22, 75-85.
154. Hogg, Edith F. “School Children as Wage Earners” Nineteenth Century 42(August 1897), pp. 235-244.
155. Mayhew, Henry. “Children Street Sellers,” London Labour and the London Poor, vol. 1 (London: Charles Griffin and Company, 1851), pp. 169-181.
156. “A Symposium on White Child Labour Slavery” Arena I (April, 1890), pp. 589-595.
157. Wade, W.F. “The Girl Ranchers of California” The Cosmopolitan 28 (April 1900), pp. 613-616.
158. The white slaves of free America: being an account of the sufferings, privations and hardships of the weary toilers in our great cities as recently exposed by Nell Nelson, of the Chicago Times. 1888 With special
contributions by Judge T.M. Cooley, T.V. Powderly and others. (Chicago: R.S. Peale & Co., 1888), pp. 50-54.

Part 13: The Post-Darwinian Child
159. Robinson, Louis. "The Primitive Child." The North American Review 159.455 (1894): pp. 467-478.
160. Davidson, Alice Merritt. California Plants in Their Homes: A Botanical Reader for Children (Los Angeles: B.R. Baumgard and Company, 1898), pp. 17-24, 39-50.
161. A Little Christmas Dream” Punch (December 20, 1868), p. 272.
162. “A Young Darwinian” Punch (May 1, 1880), p. 193.

Part 14: Children, War and Patriotism
Great Britain and the Commonwealth:
163. “There is No Place Like Home” Punch (vol. 16, 1849), pp. 29-30.
164. “Britannia Taking Care of the Soldiers’ Children” Punch (March 4, 1854), p. 85.
165. “An Opinion Backed by Something Like an Authority” Punch (November 3, 1855), p. 183.
166. “Too Civil By Half” Punch. (November 7, 1857), p. 191.
167. Cooper, John A. “Boer Women and Children” Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature 19 (1902), pp. 31-35.
168. "The Mortality among European Soldiers' Children in India." The British Medical Journal 2.768 (1875), pp. 370-372.
169. “South Africa” Appleton’s Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1901, Third Series, vol. 6. (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1902), pp. 622-623.
170. “The South African Concentration Camps” Northwestern Christian Advocate (February 12, 1902), p. 5.
United States:
171. Alleman, Mrs. Tillie (Pierce). At Gettysburg. What a Girl Saw and Heard of the Battle. (New York: W. Lake Borland, 1889), pp. 5-7, 21-30, 55-63, 71-74.
172. Bircher, William. A Drummer-Boy’s Diary: Comprising Four Years of Service with the Second Regiment Minnesota Veteran Volunteers, 1861 to 1865. (St. Paul, Minn.: St. Paul Book and Stationary Company, 1889.), pp. 10-17, 24-26, 31-36, 76-79, 83-86, 89-91.
173. Dawson, Sarah Morgan. A Confederate Girl’s Diary. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1913), Frontispiece, pp. 23-28, 39-47, 335-338.
174. Leonard, M.H. “Children's Side of War,” Journal of Education 48 (July 21, 1898), pp. 79-83.