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「アジア学レファレンス名著復刻叢書」 第3回配本


History of European Botanical Discoveries in China
New Introduction by Kerrie MacPherson, University of Hong Kong

(Series: Reference Library of Asian Studies-継続注文承り中-)

ISBN 4-901481-00-2



本書はエキゾチックな植物の流行が頂点に達していた19世紀末にロシア帝国科学アカデミーにより発刊されたブレットシュネイダーEmil Vasilievich Bretschneider (1833-1901)の名著で、この分野の研究の基礎を作った歴史書です。著者は北京のロシア公使館の専属医として1866-84年に同地に駐在、現在まで度々復刊されている中国史や地理に関する著作によっても知られます。内容は詳細な中国の植物学史に加え、解題入り書誌、この時代の西洋での植物標本コレクション、庭園のガイドなどが含まれています。また、地域は中国だけでなくモンゴル、中央アジア、チベット、韓国、琉球、小笠原諸島まで対象としています。



Part 1: The Pre-Linnean Period. From the Middle-Ages down to about the 18th
I. Marco Polo
II. Early Sea-Trade of the Portuguese with China
III. Early Botanical Information with respect to China supplied by Catholic Missionaries, and especially the Jesuits
IV. Sea Trade of the Dutch with Eastern Asia in the 17th Century
V. Early English Intercourse with China. First Botanical Collections made in that Country
VI. Botanical Collections made by the Jesuit Missionaries in China, in the first half of the 18th Century

Part 2: The Linnean Period. From about the middle of the 18th century to 1793
I. The first Swedish Botanical Collectors in China
II. Chinese Plants known to Linnaeus, Father and Son
III. Phillip Miller and his Gardener's Dictionary, 1731-1807
IV. Swedish Botanical collectors in Southern china in the last third of the 18th Century
V. Botanical Researches of the Jesuit Missionaries in China, in the last quarter of the 18th Century
VI. P. Poivre
VII. P. Sonnerat
VIII. The Royal Gardens at Paris and the Great French Botanists who laboured there in the 18th Century
IX. Chinese Plants cultivated at Vienna in the second half of the 18th Century and described and illustrated by N. J. Jecquin.
X. Chinese Plants cultivated in the Royal Kew Gardens in 1789

Part 3: Third Period from the First Botanical Exploration of the Interior of China, in 1793, to the First War between England and China, in 1840
I. Lord Macartney's Embassy to the Emperor K'ien lung, 1793. Sir George Staunton
II. A. E. Van Braam Hoockgeest. 1794-95
III. W. Kerr. 1804-13
IV. New Chinese Plants introduced into the Royal Kew Gardens, 1789-1813
V. English Promoters of Botanical Science. Eminent Botanists, Gardeners,
Travellers etc. mentioned in the Second Edition of Hortus Kewensis and in the Early English Illustrated Botanical Periodicals, in Connection with the Introduction and Description of new Chinese Plants, from 1789 to about 1820
VI. Lord Amherst's Embassy to the Chinese Court, 1816-17
VII. Roxburgh and Wallich
VIII. Ventenat.- Jacquin Jun
IX. The Royal Horticultural Society of London and its Exertions of introduce Chinese Plants
X. Information regarding Chinese Plants found in Systematic Works on Botany,
published after Linnaeus
XI. Introduction of Chinese Plants into English Gardens between about 1810 and

40, as recorded in English Illustrated Botanical Periodicals
XII. Botanical Collectors in the South of China (Macao, Canton) between about 1825-1840
XIII. First Russian Botanical Explorations in Eastern Asia.

Part 4: Period from the First War between England and China, 1840, to the Second War, 1860
I. Botanical Collectors in Chusan during the British Occupation of the Island,1840-46
II. Botanical Exploration of the Island of Hong Kong
III. Robert Fortune
IV. French Embassy to China, 1844-46
V. Botanical Collectors in the neighbourhood of Canton and Macao and in other localities of the Kuang thung Province, between 1840-60
VI. British, French and Dutch Botanical Explorations, between about 1850-1860,near the then opened Chinese Trading Ports (besides Canton), in Formosa, in the Corean Archipelago, on the Coasts of Corea and Manchuria, etc
VII. Botanical Investigations in the Interior of China by French Missionaries

between 1840-60
VIII. Illustrated English Botanical Periodicals, 1840-60
IX. British Gardeners cultivating new Chinese and Japanese Plants, 1840-60
X. Botanical Information derived from Chinese Sources. Translations made by Sinologists
XI. Russian Botanical Collectors at Peking, 1840-60
XII. Russian Occupation of the Amur River and Naval Expedition to Eastern Asia, 1852-55. Botanical Explorations connected with this Enterprise
XIII. The Imperial Botanical Garden, St. Petersburg

Part 5: Period from the War between the Allied British and French Powers, with China, 1860, - to the Present Time.
I. British and American Botanical Explorers in China, since 1860
II. British Botanists, especially of the Kew Gardens, who during the last period have determined and described Chinese Plants
III. French, Belgian, Portuguese, and Italian Botanical Collectors in China, since 1860
IV. French Botanists, who during the second half of the present century have determined and described Eastern Asiatic collections
V. German and Austro-Hungarian Botanical Collectors in China, since 1860
VI. Russian Botanical Explorers in China Proper, Mongolia, Chinese Turkestan, Tibet, etc., since 1870
VII. The Imperial Botanical Garden, St. Petersburg, during the last Period Summary of Botanical Explorations made in China Proper and its Vassal Territories to this day, grouped geographically and chronologically
Supplementary Notes
Alphabetical Index I. Names of Persons
Alphabetical Index II. Names of Plants

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Essai de bibliographie jaina:
Repertoire analytique et methodique des travaux relatifs au jainisme
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c620pp ISBN 4-931444-83-0

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