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第2回配本「ガヴァネス」 全6巻
Women's Education in the Nineteenth Century Pt. 2: Governess Education

編集・解説 香川せつ子 (西九州大学)

c. 1600頁
●少部数増刷 \98,000
ISBN 4-901481-24-X






Vol. 1
Elizabeth Appleton, Private Education; or A Practical Plan for the Studies of Young Ladies, with an Address to Parents, Private Governesses and Young Ladies, 1815. 332pp.

Vol. 2
R.C. Dallaway, Observations on the Most Important Subjects of Education:
Containing Many Useful Hints to Mothers, But Chiefly Intended for Private
Governesses, 1818. 228pp.

Vol. 3
Mary Atkinson Maurice, Mothers and Governesses, 1847. c200pp.
英国最初の女子カレッジの校長F. D. Maurice に、ガヴァネス問題に関心を抱くきっかけを与えたといわれる実姉Mary Maurice の著作。

Vol. 4
Bessie Rayner Parkes, Essays on Women's Work, 1865. 240pp.
The English Woman's Journalの創刊者パークスが、「教育を受けた女性の労働と教育」に関する8年間の考察をまとめた論文集。ガヴァネスであった作家アナ・ジェイムソンへの献辞が付されている。

Emma Raymond Pitman, My Governess Life; or, Using my one Talent, 1883. 307pp.

Vol. 6 : Miscellaneous Writings c270pp
雑誌記事およびパンフレット文献集。ガヴァネス問題の起爆剤として著名なレディ・イーストレイクのQuarterly Review への寄稿論文、ガヴァネスの劣悪な労働条件を告発したアナ・ジェイムソンの講演録などを収録。

[Elizabeth Eastlake] 'Hints on the Modern Governess System, Fraser's Magazine, vol. 31(November, 1844), 571-583 (13pp)

Anna Jameson, 'On the Relative Social Position of Mothers and Governesses' (in Memoirs and Essays Illustrative of Art, Literature and Social Morals), 1846.

[Elizabeth Eastlake] 'Vanity Fair, Jane Eyre and the Governess Benevolent Institution,' Quarterly Review, vol. 84
(December, 1848), 153-185 (33pp)

Sarah Lewis, 'On the Social Position of Governess,' Fraser's Magazine 37( April 1848)
411-414 (4pp)

[ Bessie Rayner Parkes] 'The Profession of the Teacher: The Annual Reports of the Governesses' Benevolent Institution,
from 1843 to 1856', The English Woman's Journal Vol.1, No.1 (March, 1858),
1-13 (13pp)

Anon., 'Going a Governessing',The English Woman's Journal vol.1, No. 6(August 1858), 396-404 (9pp)

B. R. P. [ Bessie Rayner Parkes], 'The Market for Educated Female Labor', The English Woman's Journal Vol.4, No.21
(November, 1859), 145-152 (13pp)

Anon., 'The Governess Question' The English Woman's Journal Vol.4, No.21
(Novemvber 1859), 163-170 (8pp)

Anon. 'My Last Governess,' Fraser's Magazine, 63 (February 1861), 235-245 (11pp)

S. C., 'The Emigration for Educated Women' The English Woman's Journal Vol.7-No.37 (March, 1861), 1-9 (9pp)

Emily Faithful, How Shall I Educate my Daughter?, 1863. 12pp.

Lucy D. Sale Barker, 'My Governess,' Dublin University Magazine, vol. 77 (January, 1871), 50-65 (15pp)

Alfred W. Pollard, 'The Governess and her Grievance,' Murray's Magazine, 5(April 1889), 505-515 (11pp)

Marie P. Blaze de Bury, ' A Royal Governess: the Duchesse de Gontaut,' Blackwood's
Magazine, vol.77 (January, 1892), 414-436 (23pp)

「母」と家庭教育 全6巻
The Mother : Education in the Home

2003年12月刊行  本体セット価¥98,000-  ISBN 4-901481-66-5

●内容明細● c. 1600頁
Vols. 1 and 2
Elizabeth Hamilton, Letters on the Elementary Principles of Education (2 vols.), 1802. Vol. 1, 436pp. vol. 2, 455pp.

Vol. 3
Anon (female author), Hints for the Improvement of Early Education and Nursery Discipline, 1819. 188pp.

Woman's Educational Mission: Being an Explanation of Frederick Frobel's System of Infant Gardens, 1855. 88pp. Illustrated.

Vol. 4
Harriet Martineau, Household Education, 1849. 300pp.

Vol. 5
Matilda Pullan, Maternal Counsels to a Daughter, London: Darton & Co., 1855.

Vol. 6
Elizabeth Blackwell, Counsel to Parents on the Moral Education of their Children, in
Relation to Sex, 1878(New York), 1884(London: Hatchards, 7th edititon),