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同時代雑誌記事復刻集成 全3巻

Feminism and the Periodical Press, 1900-1918
編集・解説: Lucy Delap, King’s College, Cambridge, Maria DiCenzo, Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario, & Leila Ryan, McMaster University, Ontario
ES Series: Historical Sources of Women's Studies

ISBN: 4-901481-93-2



本文献集は、The EnglishwomanやThe Woman’s Journalなどの主要誌、女性団体や労働組合の機関誌から今日ほとんど忘れられているマイナーな雑誌まで、この時代の雑誌に掲載された記事を、フェミニズムや女性研究の特定のテーマごとに編集、現代フェミニズム形成期の言説とメディアが果たした役割を探る大変ユニークな資料集です。「女性性」「男性性」「人種」「広告」「国家と市民」「法律」「母性と家族」「暴力と戦争」「身体」「ユートピア」「職業」「宗教」など、今日のジェンダー学の多くのテーマの萌芽がすでにここにあり、この時代の雑誌という場で盛んに論じられていることが、このような文献集を通じ極めて明確に提示されます。女性研究に携わるすべての方々にとって、今後の研究へのあらたな視点を提供する資料集になるでしょう。


1. Feminism, ‘Femininity’, and the Public Sphere

Hortense Wood, ‘Feminine’, The Woman’s Signal, July 1, 1897
Teresa Billington-Greig, The Rebellion of Women’, The Contemporary Review, July 1908
‘The Incalculable Female’, The Common Cause, April 29, 1909
‘Our Point of View: An Anti-Suffragist Philosopher’, The Common Cause, July 15, 1909
M.M., ‘The Silent Company of Books’, The Englishwoman, May,1910
‘The Psychology of an Anti-Suffragist’, The Vote, August 27, 1910
E.M. Goodman, ‘The Advance of Women’, The Englishwoman, July, 1910
‘The “Womanly Woman”’, The Vote, October 8, 1910
Lord Robert Cecil, K.C., ‘Women’s Sphere’, The Conservative and Unionist Women’s Franchise Review, November 1910
Homo Sum, ‘Young Middle Class Women’, The Englishwoman, November, 1910
Francis Toye, ‘A Theory of Feminism’, The Englishwoman, April, 1911
Dora Marsden, ‘Bondwomen’ and ‘Commentary on Bondwomen’, The Freewoman, November 23 and 30, 1911
Oreola Williams Haskell, ‘The New Wife’, The Woman Voter, January 1912
Gilmore, ‘Confessions of an Alien’ and ‘The Life of an Average Woman’, Harper’s Bazar, April 1912, and June 1912
‘Why Women Are So’, The Woman Voter, January 1913,(book review)
Kenton, ‘The Militant Women ? and Women’, The Century Magazine, November 1913
Alice Hubbard, Harper’s Weekly, Dec 13, 1913
W L George, Feminist Intentions, Atlantic Monthly, December 1913.
Advancement, ‘A Student of the Suffrage Question’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, December 3, 1913
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘As to “Feminism”’, Forerunner, February 1914
Rose Young, ‘What is Feminism’, Good Housekeeping, May 1914
George Burman Foster, Philosophy of Feminism, The Forum, July 1914
Kenton, ‘feminism will give men more fun…’ Delineator, July 1914
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘The Trend of Fiction’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, August 19, 1914
Marie Jenney Howe, A Feminist Symposium, The New Review, August 1914
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘Old Maids’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, September 16, 1914
Darra Moore, ‘The Respect of One’s Children’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, January 20, 1915
Anne O’Hagan Shinn, ‘The Home and the Vote’, The Woman Voter, August 1915
‘Have Women Lost their Opportunity?’ Modern Woman and Her Work, December 11,1915.
Evelyn King Gilmore, ‘Feminism’, Harper’s Magazine, March 11, 1916

2. International Networks of Learning and Exchange

J. M. S., ‘The Position of Women in Japan’, Women’s Trade Union News, January 1906
Elizabeth Robins, ‘The Feministe Movement In England’, Collier's Weekly, June 29
‘England and America’, The Woman’s Journal, July 11, 1908
Millicent G. Fawcett, ‘The International Aspects of Women’s Suffrage’, The Englishwoman, April, 1909
Millicent G. Fawcett, ‘Congress of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance: A Great Cause’, The Common Cause, April 15, 1909
Sarah A. Tooley, ‘The Women of New Japan’, The Englishwoman, May, 1910
‘Under the Flag’, The Conservative and Unionist Women’s Franchise Review, August 1910
‘Australia Speaks’, ‘Mrs. Park on the Women of China’, ‘Comments on Sylvia Pankhurst’, The Woman’s Journal, January 21, 1911
Bertha Poole Weyl, ‘Winning the Vote in England’, Life and Labor, July 1911
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘Does a Man Support his Wife?’, Forerunner, September 1911
Georgina Binnie-Clarke, ‘Taking Off Her Crop’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, November 1, 1911
Marie Jenney Howe, ‘The Tables Turned’, The Woman Voter, May 1912
Mary E. McDowell, ‘Some Observations on Working Women in Germany’, Life and Labour, May 1912
Carrie Chapman Catt, ‘The Truth About Suffrage in China’, The Woman’s Journal, November 1912
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘Mortlach Women and Suffrage’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, January 29, 1913
Constance Maud, ‘The First Persian Feminist’, June 1913, Fortnightly Review
Saint Nihal Singh, ‘The First Fruits of Female Emancipation in India’, Contemporary Review, March 1914
Joseph Szebenyel, ‘Women in Hungary’, The Woman’s Dreadnought, April 4, 1914
Ellis and Palmer, ‘The Feminist Movement in Turkey’, The Contemporary Review, June 1914
Sonia Leathes, ‘The Women of Russia’, The Church League for Women’s Suffrage, December 1914
Mary Gaunt, ‘Chinese Women’, Modern Woman and Her Work, January 8, 1916
Erma Stocking, ‘Mrs. Pankhurst’s Tour’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, July 12, 1916
Louis S. Friedland, ‘Woman Struggle in Russia’, The Woman Voter, May 1917
Mary P. McCallum, ‘Our International Relations’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, July 17, 1918
Elisabeth Christitch, ‘Women of Serbia’, The Catholic Citizen, December 15, 1918

3. Issues of Race and ‘The Race’

‘Editorial Notes’, Helen Campbell ‘A Protest Against Color Line’, The Woman’s Journal, June 16, 1900
‘Woman Suffrage in the South’, The Woman’s Journal, April 11, 1903, p 116, and rebuttal letter by William Lloyd Garrison, May 2, 1903
Eugenia Newmarch, ‘Women and the Race’, The Englishwoman, April, 1911, pp 33-40.‘Women Suffrage in Many Lands’ (book review), The Common Cause, April 22, 1909
‘The Negro’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, May 3, 1911
Western Maid, ‘A Homestead For Her’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, May 24, 1911
J.M. Liddell, ‘Negroes Unwelcome’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, May 31, 1911
Mrs Winton Evans, ‘The Mother as a Factor in Human Progress’, The Vote, September 9, 1911
‘The Black Peril’, Common Cause, September 21, 1911
C. D., ‘Purdah Life in the East’, The Vote, April 20, 1912
M. Humphries, ‘Well Born’, The Englishwoman, September, 1912
Dora Marsden, ‘The Slave’, The Freewoman, September 12, 1912
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘The Foreigner’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, February 11, 1914
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘Immigration, Importation and our Fathers’, Forerunner, May 1914
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘The Foreign Woman’s Franchise’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, December 27, 1916
Nellie L. McClung, ‘Mrs McClung’s Reply’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, January 24, 1917

4. Dissent and Conflict

Millicent Garrett Fawcett, ‘Men are Men and Women are Women’, The Englishwoman, February, 1909
‘Bow and Spear’, The Englishwoman, February, 1909
‘Echoes’, The Englishwoman, February, 1909
‘Our Point of View: In Great Things Unity’, The Common Cause, May 6, 1909
A. M. Allen, ‘Our Point of View: The Constitutional Policy of the National Union’, August 12, 1909
‘The Ideas of a Plain Country Woman’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, August 21, 1909
Mrs. T.D.B., ‘Woman Suffrage’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, March 9, 1910
‘Those Fool Women’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, September 28, 1910
‘A “Suffragette” Revolt’, The Anti-Suffrage Review, February 1911
H. Bate, ‘Are Women to Blame?’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, March 1, 1911
‘A Reply’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, March 1, 1911
Martha Gruening, ‘Universal vs. Limited Suffrage’, The Woman’s Journal, May 20 1911
Jessie Ashley, ‘National Headquarters Letter’, The Woman’s Journal, June 24, 1911
Rebecca West, ‘The gospel of Mrs Humphry Ward’, The Freewoman, February 15, 1912
Dora Marsden, ‘Ideas or no ideas?’, The Freewoman, July 11, 1912
‘A Shameless Slander’, The Church League for Women’s Suffrage, September 1912
‘War Fever? Child Wage-Slaves in America’, The Woman’s Dreadnought, July 7, 1917

5. Mediating Culture: Reviews, Commentaries, and Literary Contributions

‘Reviews’, Shafts, April 1895, pp 5-8.
Dora B. Montefiore, ‘On Some of Ibsen’s Women’, Shafts, December 1896
Evelyn Greenleaf Sutherland, ‘A Note of Alarm’, The Woman’s Journal, January 13, 1900
Mrs Humphry Ward, Diana Mallory, Working Gentlewomen’s Journal, January 1909
E.G.R., ‘The Silent Company of Books’, The Englishwoman, February, 1909
F.S., ‘The Silent Company of Books’, The Englishwoman, March, 1909
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Review of H G Wells, Ann Veronica, January 1910
‘The Repertory Theatre’, The Englishwoman, June, 1910
J..M.S., ‘Reduced to the Absurd’, The Englishwoman, July, 1910
Mrs. Nellie McClung, ‘Her Second Chance’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, January 11, 1911
Marjorie Strachey, ‘Women and the Modern Drama’, The Englishwoman, May, 1911
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘Something to Vote For (a one act play)’, Forerunner, June 1911
A.S.B. ‘Woman and Labor’, The Woman’s Journal, September 2, 1911
John Galsworthy, ‘Errantry’, The Woman Voter, September 1911
‘The Prize Poem’, The Woman Voter, September 1911
‘What to Read’, The Woman Voter, October 1911
Edith Bailey, ‘Children’s Page: The Adventures of Fife’, The Woman Voter, November 1911
Edith Bailey, ‘Portia Politics’, The Woman Voter, December 1911
G L Harding, The Freewoman, ‘Feminism and the Propagandist Drama’, December 14, 1911
‘New Suffrage Play Now On’, The Woman’s Journal, May 25, 1912
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘Good Reading Matter for Winter Evenings’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, November 12, 1912
M.M., ‘Chivalry’, The Englishwoman, December, 1912
‘The Suffrage Bookshelf’, The Woman Voter, May 1913
Mary Shaw, ‘The Feminist Movement in Drama’, The Woman Voter, February 1914
F.M.G. ‘Reviews’, The Church League for Women’s Suffrage, April 1914
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘The Trend of Fiction’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, August 19, 1914
Maud Bell, ‘Ophelia?and the Vote’, The Church League for Women’s Suffrage, May 15, 1915
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘The Movies’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, December 8, 1915
Christopher St. John, ‘What is Wrong With the Stage?’, The Catholic Citizen, September 15, 1918
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘The Dancing of Isadora Duncan’, Forerunner.

6. Men and Masculinity

Phoebe W. Couzins, ‘Shall the Men Wash Dishes?’, The Woman’s Journal, July 7, 1900
W.W.H. ‘Women’s Suffrage: From a Man’s Point of View’, Votes for Women, September 10, 1908
‘The Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage’, The Common Cause, April 29, 1909
W.H. McMaster, ‘A Friend of Equal Suffrage’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, July 20, 1910
R.F. Cholmeley, ‘A School for Fathers’, The Englishwoman, December, 1910
Fanny Johnson, ‘Man at Home’, The Freewoman, December 7, 1911
Harry Birnstingl, ‘Uranians’, The Freewoman, January 4, 1912
Mary Ware Dennett, ‘The Status of Men’, The Freewoman, May 9, 1912
Omar E. Garwood, ‘The Men’s League and What it Stands For’, The Woman’s Journal, September 28, 1912
George Foster Peabody, ‘Learning By Doing’, The Woman Voter, October 1912
Max Eastman, ‘Early History of the Men’s League’, The Woman Voter, October 1912
The Hon. Robert Palmer, ‘Why Men Should Support Women’s Suffrage’, The Conservative and Unionist Women’s Franchise Review, December, 1912
Sidney Pickering, ‘Women and the Average Englishman’, The Englishwoman, December, 1912
Hilda Ridley, ‘The New Man’, The Woman Voter, June 1913
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘Men Invading Woman’s Sphere’, The Englishwoman, August 20, 1913
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘The Poor Husband of the New Woman’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, October 22, 1913
E. Sylvia Pankhurst, ‘Keir Hardie’, The Woman’s Dreadnought, October 2, 1915
Editorial, ‘When the Men Come Home’, Modern Woman and Her Work, February 12, 1916.
‘Save the Girl’, The Fra, (ud)

7. Contesting the Boundaries of Public and Domestic Space

‘Societies, Meetings, etc.’, Shafts, April 1895
‘The Story of the Pioneer Club’, Shafts, January 1896
Dorothy Archibald, ‘Safe Shelter for Women’, The Englishwoman, April, 1909
H.B.B. ‘Open-Air Meetings’, The Woman’s Journal, August 14, 1909
‘The Foot Parade’, The Woman Voter, September 1910
‘Women’s Lodgings and the Woman Worker’, The Englishwoman, December 1910
‘National Headquarters Letter’, The Woman’s Journal, January 14, 1911
‘Great Parade’, The Woman’s Journal, May 13, 1911
‘From the Assembly Districts’, The Woman Voter, September 1911
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘Women grain Growers’ Clubs’, The Grain Growers’Guide, July 3, 1912
‘Nation Hails Change of Map’, The Woman’s Journal, November 16, 1912
‘The Housewarming’, The Woman Voter, May 1913
Adaline Wheelock Sterling, ‘The Street Meeting’, The Woman Voter, May 1913
Hope, ‘Women Need to Get Out’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, April 21, 1915
A.G. ‘Procession of Prayer and Intercession Service’, The Church League for Women’s Suffrage, June 1916

8. Intersection of Social and Political Movements

Alice Grenfell, ‘Contemporary English Socialists and Women’, Shafts, September 1895.
R. L. Garton, ‘A Modern Socialist: An Interview with Miss Enid Stacy, B.A.’ The Woman’s Signal, September 12, 1895,
Madame Alex. Veigele, ‘The Women’s Vegetarian Union’, The Woman’s Signal, November 21, 1895
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, ‘An Appeal to Women’s Clubs’ (letter), The Woman’s Journal, April 13, 1901
‘New Internationalism’, Woman’s Exponent, August 1, 1901.
Ethel Snowden, ‘Women and the Social Spirit’, Women’s Trade Union News, October 1906
‘”Sinn Fein” and Women Suffrage’, Votes for Women, September 17, 1908
‘The White Slave Conference’, The Woman’s Journal, February 27, 1909.
George Bernard Shaw, ‘the Unmentionable Case for Women’s Suffrage’, The Englishwoman, March, 1909
‘A Week of Conferences?the I.L.P.’, The Common Cause, April 22, 1909
Herbert M. Merrill, ‘Socialism’, The Woman Voter, February 1912
Guy Aldred, ‘Emancipation’, The Freewoman, Feb 1912
‘Says Suffrage Will Help White Slaves’, The Woman’s Journal, March 16, 1912
Potter, ‘The Woman’s Club and Democratic Ideals’, Life and Labor, April 1912
‘Suffrage Deferred’, The Woman’s Journal, July 13, 1912, (cover page).
Dora Marsden, ‘The Woman Movement and the Ablest Socialists’, Freewoman, Aug 29, 1912
E. Sylvia Pankhurst, ‘The Workers’ International: Socialists and the World War’, The Woman’s Dreadnought, December 1915
‘Reviews’, The Catholic Suffragist, February 15, 1916

9. Publicity

‘Sayings of Suffrage Week’, The Englishwoman, December, 1910
‘English Suffrage Posters’, The Woman’s Journal, January 14, 1911
A.E.R. ‘The Journal Carriage’, The Woman’s Journal, February 4, 1911
‘Homesteads for Women’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, November 8, 1911
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘Working for an Unpopular Cause’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, August 27, 1913.
‘To the Women’s Associations’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, August 11, 1915
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘A Short Race and a Swift One’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, September 8, 1915
Adverts, Modern Woman and Her Work, December 18, 1915
‘A Page for Our Critics’, Modern Woman and Her Work, January 1, 1916
‘Women Earn $1,000', The Grain Growers’ Guide, March 29, 1916
‘Women’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, May 1, 1918

10. The Press

Clara Bewick Colby, ‘Woman’s Debt to the Daily Press’, The Woman’s Signal, January 16, 1896
‘Our Cause in the Press’, The Woman’s Signal, May 28, 1896
‘National Press Report’, The Woman’s Journal, February 17, 1900
‘The International Congress and “The Times”’, The Common Cause, May 6, 1909
‘Putting the Clock Back’ The Common Cause, September 23, 1909
Edith Palliser, ‘An Eighteenth-Century Magazine for Women’, The Englishwoman, June, 1910
A.A.S., ‘The Silent Company of Books’, The Englishwoman, June, 1910
‘Bow and Spear: Street Placards’, The Englishwoman, November, 1910
Caroline I. Reilly, ‘National Headquarters Letter’, The Woman’s Journal, June 17, 1911
‘The Press’, The Woman Voter, July 1911
‘Women and the Press in 1911', The Woman Voter, January 1912
‘Big Newspaper Sets Example’, The Woman’s Journal, April 27, 1912
‘The Press and Woman Suffrage’, The Woman Voter, March 1915
Editorial ‘About Ourselves’, Modern Woman and Her Work, November 13, 1915.
Editorial ‘The Ideal Paper!’, Modern Woman and Her Work, December 18, 1915.
‘The Trafalgar Square Meeting?Our Version’, The Woman’s Dreadnought, April 15, 1916, (cover)
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘Church Spires’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, September 13, 1916

11. Women and the Law

Fenwick Miller, ‘How Ought the Marriage Laws to be Amended’ and ‘Whose is the Guilt?’, The Woman’s Signal, November 14, 1895
Elizabeth C. Wolstenholme Elmy, ‘The Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act, 1895', Shafts, February 1896
‘Divorce Laws Unequal’, Shafts, August 1896
‘The Wife’s Income’, The Woman’s Signal, August 6, 1896
Laura McLaren, ‘The Women’s Charter’, The Common Cause, May 27, 1909
‘How the Dower Law Operates’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, August 7, 1909
Isabelle Beaton Graham, ‘Homesteads for Women’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, November 17, 1909
Mabelle S. Cole, ‘Property Rights of Women’, Woman’s Exponent, February 1910
A Saskatchewan Farmeress, ‘Here is Progress’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, April 6, 1910
G.I.W., ‘The Borstal System for Girls’, The Englishwoman, June, 1910
A. Maude, ‘Some Private Members’ Bills’, The Englishwoman, June, 1910
Mona Caird, ‘The Lot of Women’, Westminster Review, July 1910
Herbert Jacobs, ‘The Married Women’s Property Act’, The Englishwoman, November, 1910
‘Facts from Colorado: Long List of Good Laws to Women’s Credit’, The Woman’s Journal, January 28, 1911
W. Lowson, ‘The Scots Law of Marriage’, The Englishwoman, May, 1911
Robert H. Elder, ‘Lessons in Government: Property Rights of American Women’, The Woman Voter, October 1911
Charles E.B. Russell, M.A., ‘Some Aspects of Female Criminality and its Treatment’, The Englishwoman, January, 1912
Carrie Chapman Catt, ‘The Traffic in Women’, The Woman Voter, March 1913
Irene Osgood Andrews, ‘Working Women and Legislation’, The Woman Voter, September 1913
Marguerite Fedden, ‘The Undermining of Marriage’, The Catholic Suffragist, February 15, 1916
Elinor Byrns, ‘The Rights of Mothers’, The Woman Voter, April 1916
Mrs. V.M. Crawford, ‘Women Under the Poor Law’, The Catholic Suffragist, May 15, 1916
Erma Stocking, ‘Should Have Police Women’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, November 29, 1916

12. The State and the Citizen

‘Women’s Citizenship and Women’s Punishment’, Votes for Women, September 10, 1908
An M.P., ‘In Parliament’, The Englishwoman, February, 1909
A. Maude Royden, ‘Equality of Service’ and Arthur G. Symonds, ‘The Justice and Expediency of Women’s Enfranchisement’, The Common Cause, June 3, 1909
‘Revolt of Women’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, December 22, 1909
‘Service the Sure Road to Happiness’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, February 1, 1911
Louie M. Brooks, ‘Medical Women and the National Insurance Bill’, The Englishwoman, May, 1911
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘The Woman’s Party’, Forerunner, November 1911
Teresa Billington-Greig, ‘Women and Government’, The Freewoman, December 21, 1911
H. G .Wells and Dora Marsden, ‘Endowment controversy’, The Freewoman, March 1912.
‘Woman’s Suffrage’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, May 22, 1912
P. Whitwell Wilson, ‘Militancy and the Reform Bill’, The Englishwoman, September, 1912
Mrs. K. Clews & Erma Stocking, ‘Will Study Civics’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, July 26, 1916
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘Wanted: A Sense of Responsibility’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, April 25, 1917

13. Motherhood and the Family

‘On Behalf of the Little Ones’, Shafts, February 1895
‘Parenthood and its Responsibility: An Address for Mothers’ Meetings’, The Woman’s Signal, January 16, 1896
‘Echoes’, The Englishwoman, April, 1909
‘The Shrieking Sisterhood’ and ‘The Massacre of the Innocents’, The Common Cause, April 29, 1909
M. C. Murdoch, ‘Infant Mortality: I. The Mother’s Health’, The Common Cause, May 13, 1909
Mildred M. Burgess, M.D. ‘Infant Mortality: II. Neglect Due to the Employment of the Mother Outside the Home’, The Common Cause, May 27, 1909
M. C. Murdoch, L.R.C.P., ‘Infant Mortality: III. Feeding Infants’, The Common Cause, June 10, 1909
A Matron, ‘Training for Motherhood’, The Englishwoman, May, 1910
Blanche Hanbury Rowe, ‘How Our Children are Taught to Read’, The Englishwoman, June, 1910
James Haslam, ‘Life in a Lancashire Factory Home’, The Englishwoman, June, 1910
F.L. Ghey, ‘The Mother’, The Englishwoman, November, 1910
‘Pit Folk at Home’, The Englishwoman, December, 1910
Mary Beard, ‘Mothercraft’, The Woman Voter, January 1912
E. Sylvia Pankhurst, ‘Death-Rate of Mothers’, The Woman’s Dreadnought, November 6, 1915
E. Sylvia Pankhurst, ‘The Birth-Rate’, The Woman’s Dreadnought, July 8, 1916
Agnes Mott, ‘The Prevention of Infant Mortality’, The Catholic Suffragist, December 15, 1916
Agnes Mott, ‘The Maternity and Child Welfare Bill’, The Catholic Suffragist, August 15, 1918,
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘Some Unfamiliar Ways of Living’, Forerunner, January 1916.
Gilman, ‘Genius, Domestic and Maternal’, Forerunner, June and July 1910.
Edith Browne, ‘A Freewoman’s Attitude to Motherhood’, The Freewoman, January 11, 1912
Winifred Hindshaw, ‘The Maternal Instinct’, The Freewoman May 23, 1912
M. D. Eder, ‘Doth a Man Travail with Child?’, The Freewoman, November 30, 1911
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘Without a Husband’, Forerunner, December 1915.
Editorial, ‘Marriage and the Working Woman’, Modern Woman and Her Work, January 22, 1916.
W. L. George, ‘The Downfall of the Home’, Harper’s Magazine, June 1916
Mary P. McCallum, ‘Making Motherhood Efficient, The Englishwoman, October 31, 1917

14. Women’s Bodies/Health

‘Exercise for Women’, The Woman’s Signal, August 27, 1896
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Forerunner, ‘The Woman of Fifty’, April 1911
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Forerunner, ‘That Obvious Purpose’, June 1911
‘Dental Hygiene’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, September 13, 1911
‘The Spinster’, The Freewoman, November 23, 1911
Margaret George, ‘Away With Corsets’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, February 14, 1912
Correspondence between Stella Browne and Kathlyn Oliver on chastity, The Freewoman, February 1912.
Dora Marsden, ‘Interpretations of Sex I-IV’, The Freewoman, May 1912.
Grace Carter Smith, ‘Women as Sexualists’, The Freewoman, August 1, 1912
Eleanor Cecil, ‘The South London Hospital for Women’, The Englishwoman, December, 1912
Laurence Housman, ‘Petticoat Government’, The Contemporary Review, November 1913
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Forerunner, ‘An Amazing Tyranny’, January 1914
E. Sylvia Pankhurst, ‘What Do the Politicians Propose?’, The Woman’s Dreadnought, March 8, 1914
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Forerunner, ‘The Unrestricted Hat’, April 1914
‘Racial Decay’, The Church League for Women’s Suffrage, May 1914
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Forerunner, ‘Birth Control’, July 1915
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘What Would You Have Done?’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, October 13, 1915
L. De Alberti, ‘The Scourge of Civilization’, The Catholic Suffragist, March 1916
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘Women’s Hair and Men’s Whiskers’, Forerunner, March 1916
W. Francis B. Wakefield, M.D., ‘Advantage of Treatment’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, November 8, 1916
‘Mrs. McNaught’s Leaflet’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, November 16, 1916
‘Venereal Disease’ and ‘Saskatchewan Takes Lead’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, January 16, 1918
‘The Health of the Girl Worker’, The Catholic Suffragist, July 15, 1918

15. Violence, War, Militarism/Militancy

J.A.P, ‘Violence and Reaction: The Two Forces of Disorder’, The Common Cause, September 16, 1909
‘Our Point of View: Rattling into Barbarism’, The Common Cause, June 17, 1909
E.S. Haldane, ‘Women’s Work for Home Defence’, The Englishwoman, March, 1912
Marsden, ‘A Militant Psychology’, The Freewoman, March 7, 1912
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘Women and War’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, July 31, 1912
A.S.B. ‘Masculine Militancy’, The Woman’s Journal, August 31, 1912
Norma, ‘Does Not Wonder at Militancy’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, January 29, 1913
M. A. Stobart, ‘Women and War’, The Contemporary Review, February 1913
A.W. Cannon, ‘Suffragists and Suffragettes’, Woman’s Exponent, March 1913
Alice Henry, ‘The British Suffrage Fiasco’, Life and Labor, March 1913
Lucia Ames Mead, ‘Do Suffragists Care About Our Mad Militarism?’, The Woman Voter, July 1913
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘War Clouds’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, August 12, 1914
‘Pro Patria’, The Church League for Women’s Suffrage, September 1914
‘Women and War’, The Woman Voter, September 1914
Gilman, ‘Masculinism at its Worst’, Forerunner, October 1914
Dora Marsden, ‘Women’s “Rights”’, The Egoist, October 1, 1914.
E. Sylvia Pankhurst, ‘The War Cure’, The Woman’s Dreadnought, October 3, 1914
Mrs. S.V. Haight, ‘Word from Vice-President’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, October 7, 1914
Cover Page and ‘War and Women’, The Conservative and Unionist Women’s Franchise Review, October-December 1914
Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, ‘Suffrage and Peace’ and A.S.B. ‘Women and War’, The Woman’s Journal, November 14, 1914
Laurence Housman, ‘National Forces’, The Woman’s Dreadnought, December 5, 1914
Violet Markham, ‘Women Trade Unionists and the War’, Women’s Trade Union Review, April 1915
‘Women Make History’, The Woman’s Journal, May 8, 1915
‘Womanhood and Peace’, The Church League for Women’s Suffrage, September 1915
Mrs. K.J. Urquhart, ‘Women and the War’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, September 29, 1915
Mrs. Henry Fawcett, LL.D. ‘Life’s Cost’, The Conservative and Unionist Women’s Franchise Review, October-December 1915
‘Neutrality and the War’, The Conservative and Unionist Women’s Franchise Review, December 1915
J. C. Bristow-Noble, ‘Rifle Shooting for Women’, Modern Woman and Her Work, January 1, 1916
Christopher St. John, ‘Do Women Hate War?’, The Catholic Suffragist, March 15, 1916
Violet Markham, ‘The Standard of Life’, Women’s Trade Union Review, April 1916
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘Women After the War’, Forerunner, July 1916
W. L. George, ‘Woman after the War’, English Review, December 1916.
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘Damaged Goods’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, January 24, 1917
Mary Austin, ‘Sex Emancipation Through War’, Forum, 59, 1918.

16. Utopias and Modernity

‘Is the So-called “New Woman” a Modern Prodigy?’, Shafts, January 1896
Emily Burton, ‘The New Woman: Ideal and Real’, The Woman’s Signal, April 30, 1896
H.B.B. ‘The Rapidity of Social Changes’, The Woman’s Journal, July 21, 1900
‘The New Century’, Woman’s Exponent, December 1, 1900.
H.B.B. ‘A Nineteenth Century Valedictory’, The Woman’s Journal, December 29, 1900.
Mary Ritter Beard, ‘The Twentieth Century Woman’ and ‘The Nineteenth Century Woman’, Young Oxford, December 1900
Gilman, ‘The Humanness of Women’, Forerunner, January 1910.
Gertrude Barnum, ‘The Modern Society Woman’, The Woman Voter, October 1911
Frances E.M. Roberts, ‘Evolution and the Woman Movement’, The Woman Voter, February, 1912
Kenton, ‘A Study of the Old “New Woman”’, The Bookman, April 1913.

17. Professions/Work/Education

‘A Day in a Worsted Factory’, Shafts, September 1896
‘The Industrial Emancipation of Women’, The Woman’s Journal, March 8, 1902
Mrs. J.H. England, ‘Economy in the Home’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, August 1, 1908
‘Men’s Uniforms and Women’s Lives’, ‘Married Women as Teachers’, ‘Lord Curzon and Degrees for Women’, The Common Cause, May 6, 1909
‘The Endowment of Women’s Colleges’, ‘The Techniques of Housekeeping’, ‘Married Women Teachers’, ‘Women as Chartered Accountants’, The Common Cause, May 13, 1909
B L Hutchins, ‘Some Aspects of Women’s Life and Work’, Women’s Trade Union Review, July 1909
‘Political Power and Economic Subjection’, The Common Cause, July 15, 1909
Constance A. Barnicoat, ‘French Women in Commerce’, The Englishwoman, May, 1910
Ruth Young, ‘Women Teachers and the Vote’, The Conservative and Unionist Women’s Franchise Review, November 1910
Violet M. Shillington, ‘French Gardening as a Career for Englishwomen’, The Englishwoman, December, 1910
May Thorne, M.D. ‘Women Doctors and the Vote’, The Conservative and Unionist Women’s Franchise Review, January 1911
‘Women to Burn: The Moral of the Triangle Company’s Frightful Fire Disaster’, The Woman’s Journal, April 1, 1911
Edith J. Macrosty, ‘The Numerical Growth of Women in Paid Employment’, The Englishwoman, May, 1911
Alice Henry & Miles Franklin, ‘Why 50,000 Refused to Sew’, The Englishwoman, May, 1911
Isobel, ‘Boarding House Pointers’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, September 6, 1911
‘The right to work’, The Business Girl, February 1912
‘Vox et Preterea?’, The Englishwoman, March, 1912
‘A Woman Worker in a New Field’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, June 26, 1912
Mary Ritter Beard, ‘Votes for Workingwomen’ and ‘The Wage-Earner’s Five-Foot Shelf: A Bibliography of Books on Women and Industry’, The Woman Voter, September 1912
Holford Knight, ‘Women and the Legal Profession’, Contemporary Review May 1913
Elizabeth Dutcher, ‘Do You Know the Truth About the Clerk?’, The Woman Voter, September 1913
‘An Income for the Farmer’s Wife’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, January 28, 1914
Mrs. Leigh Rothwell, ‘Equal Pay for Equal Work for Men and Women’, The Woman’s Dreadnought, August 21, 1915
‘Woman’s Place in the World’, The Woman Voter, October 1915
Priscilla E. Moulder, ‘In Khakidom’, Modern Woman and Her Work, December 25, 1915
Francis Marion Beynon, ‘The Farmer’s Wife in Business’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, December 29, 1915
Editorial, ‘A Woman’s Industrial Union’, Modern Woman and Her Work, January 15, 1916
Blanche Smyth-Pigott, ‘Wage-Earning Women and Their Dependants’, The Catholic Suffragist, April 15, 1916
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘A Surplus Woman (short story)’, Forerunner, May 1916.
‘Your Daughter’s Career’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, February 7, 1917
Milicent Fawcett, ‘Equal Pay for Equal Value’, Contemporary Review, October 1918
Milicent Fawcett, ‘Cambridge and Women’s University Education’, The Contemporary Review, November 1919.

18. Religion

‘Woman and the Bible: By a Male Socialist’, Shafts, May 1896
Lina Eckenstein, ‘Woman as Apostle and Prophet’, The Englishwoman, January, 1912
Henrietta Williamson, ‘Votes for Women’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, February 7, 1912
Harriet Comstock, ‘The Church and the Woman’s Cause’, The Woman Voter, March 1912
‘The Religious Aspect of the Women’s Movement’, The Church League for Women’s Suffrage, August 1912
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘A Religion of Growth and Happiness’, Forerunner, June 1913
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ‘A Visible Evolution’, Forerunner, April 1914.
‘The Weapons of Our Warfare’, The Church League for Women’s Suffrage, April 1914
Reverend Mered J. Rush, ‘The Place of Religion in the Women’s Movement’, The Church League for Women’s Suffrage, June 1914
L. De Alberti, ‘Christian Feminism’, The Catholic Suffragist, January 15, 1916
‘The Church and Votes for Women’, The Woman Voter, September 1915

19. ‘Celebrity’ and Famous Women

Mrs. Fenwick Miller, ‘Character Sketch: Mrs. Henry Fawcett’, The Woman’s Signal, November 7, 1895
‘Character Sketch: Elizabeth Cady Stanton’, The Woman’s Signal, November 28, 1895
‘Congress of International Woman Suffrage Alliance: Mrs. Fawcett, Dr. Anna Shaw’, The Common Cause, April 22, 1909
‘A Pioneer: Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell’, The Englishwoman, July, 1910
Edith S. Hooper, ‘Olympe De Gouges’, The Englishwoman, December, 1910
A.E.R., ‘Mrs. Howe’s Influence’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, December 21, 1910
‘Susan B. Anthony Memorial Week’, The Woman’s Journal, January 7, 1911
‘Mrs. Nellie L. McLung’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, January 11, 1911
‘Boston’s Howe Memorial Meeting’, The Woman’s Journal, January 14, 1911
‘Prominent Paraders’, The Woman’s Journal, May 6, 1911
A.R. Hutchinson, ‘A Sixteenth Century Feministe: Marie De Gournay’, The Englishwoman, January, 1912
Emily P. Weaver, ‘Ottawa’s Social Leaders’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, May 15, 1912
‘Wisconsin Filled with Celebrities’, The Woman’s Journal, June 29, 1912
Alice Stone Blackwell, ‘Lucy Stone: The Story of a Noble Life’, The Woman’s Journal, August 10, 1912
Charles T. Hallinan, ‘Charlotte Perkins Gilman’, Life and Labor, December 1912
‘A New Prophetess of Feminism’, Current Opinion, January 1913
S.M.F. ‘Mrs. Pankhurst in the United States’, Life and Labor, December 1913
E. Sylvia Pankhurst, ‘Josephine Butler’, The Woman’s Dreadnought, October 24, 1914
‘Saskatchewan’s First Woman Judge’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, October 24, 1917
Mary P. McCallum, ‘two Successful Women Farmers’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, November 21, 1917

20. Temperance and the Women’s Movement

‘To Our Readers’ and ‘Beware of the Brewer’s Advocate’, The Woman’s Signal, September 19, 1895.
General Officers of the W.W.C.T.U.’, ‘British Women’s Temperance Association’, and Lady Somerset, ‘The Present Position of the Temperance Movement’, The Woman’s Signal, November, 21, 1895
‘Echoes’, The Englishwoman, April, 1909
Joseph Smith, ‘The Temperance Question’ and Annie Wells Cannon, ‘Do We Want Prohibition’, Woman’s Exponent, May 1911
Claresholm, ‘Homesteads for Women’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, March 27, 1912
Gertrude Austin, ‘Iceland and Total Prohibition’, The Englishwoman, September, 1912
Bertha Mason, ‘The Women’s Vote and National Temperance’, The Church League for Women’s Suffrage, October 1912
Brun Kulla, ‘The White Slave Trade’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, July 23, 1913
‘Suffrage and Prohibition’, The Woman Voter, February 1915
A.S.B. ‘Liquor Against Suffrage’, The Woman’s Journal, October 2, 1915, p 314 and October 9, 1915
A.S.B. ‘Suffrage and Temperance’, The Woman’s Journal, August 19, 1916
Erma Stocking, ‘Banish The Liquor Store’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, September 13, 1916
‘Women Ask for Beer’, The Grain Growers’ Guide, September 18, 1918