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第1期: 17世紀から19世紀中期まで 全5巻

Ryukyu Studies: Western Encounter
編集:Patrick Beillevaire, Centre de Recherche sur le Japan, EHESS, Paris (Part 1: to 1854)

本体セット価 ¥115,000 (本体セット価)
ISBN: 4-931444-33-4

西洋の沖縄・琉球研究文献を集成する新シリーズが、来春発刊を目指し準備が進んでいます。西洋の琉球との出会いは16世紀の大航海時代にさかのぼります。当時東アジアの交易中継地として発展していた琉球王国は、ポルトガルの対日貿易の開始とともに西洋に知られるようになります。17世紀になると東アジア諸国の鎖国政策により、琉球の対西洋関係も制限されますが、18世紀にはヨーロッパ諸国による科学的な太平洋探検が活発化し、さらに19世紀初頭になると西洋の東アジアへの勢力拡大のなかで、中国・日本の間に位置する琉球はまさに歴史の渦に巻き込まれてゆきます。 本書は西洋の琉球との交流を文献の集成で体系化する企画です。第1期は初期の文献から、江戸末期まで約80点の文献を収録します。雑誌に掲載された琉球関連の研究、記事、そしてアジア・太平洋の紀行書から琉球に関する記述の抜粋などから構成されます。編者はフランス高等社会学研究所日本研究センターのPatrick Beillevaireです。 今まで入手の困難であった貴重な資料をまとめ提供します。ご期待ください。 なお本シリーズは年代順に刊行し、第2次世界大戦前までの文献を集める予定です。

西洋の出会った大琉球 第1回配本

MENDES PINTO, Fernao :[1614] 1989. The Travels of Mendes Pinto (Edited and translated by Tebecca D. Catz) [13 p.]
WICKHAM, Richard; ADAMS, Will. :[Early 17th cent.] 1991. The English Factory in Japan (Anthony FARRINGTON, ed.) [18 p.]
KAEMPFER, Engelbert :1727. The History of Japan, giving an Account of the ancient and present State and Government of that Empire... [3 p.]
GAUBIL, Antoine :1758. "Memoire sur les iles que les Chinois appellent iles de Lieou-kieou par le Pere Gaubil, Missionnaire de la Compagnie de Jesus a Peking." [65 p. in the 2nd ed.]
BENYOWSKY, Mauritius Augustus de. :1790. The Memoirs and Travels of Mauritius Augustus Count De Benyowsky in Siberia, Kamchatka, Japan, The Liukiu Islands and Formosa (From the translation of his original manuscript, 1741-1771, by William Nicholson, 1790) [16 p.]
LA PEROUSE, J.-F. de G. :1797. The Journal of Jean-Francois de Galaup La Perouse, 1785-1788 (Edited by John Dunmore) [2 p.]
STAUNTON, George L. :1797. An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China... [2 p., meeting with Ryukyu envoys]
BROUGHTON, William Robert :1804. A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean... Performed in His Majesty's Sloop Providence and Her Tender in the Years 1795, 1796, 1798, 1799 [40 p.]
HALL, Basil :1818. Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and the Great Loo-Choo Islands... [165 p.]
[1817] 1826. [Interview with Buonaparte] Voyage to Loo-Choo and Other Places in the Eastern Seas in the Year 1816, including..., and notes of an interview with Buonaparte at St Helena in August 1817 [9 p.]
CLIFFORD, Herbert John :1818. "Vocabulary of the Language spoken at the Great Loo-Choo Island, in the Japan Sea ... [72 p.]
M'LEOD, John :1817. Narrative of a Voyage, in His Majesty's Late Ship Alceste, to the Yellow Sea...[69 p.] [Appendixes on language, etc. by Fisher, Gillard, (8 p.)]
ANONYMOUS :1819. "Chinese Account of Loo-Choo.. Indo-Chinese-Gleaner [5 p.]
EDDIS, William U :1819. "Short Visit to Loo-Choo, in November 1818." Indo-Chinese-Gleaner [4 p.]
AMICUS [Pseud.] :1819. "Chinese Account of the Loo-Choo." Indo-Chinese Gleaner [8 p.]
KLAPROTH, Heinrich Julius :1810. "Sprachproben von Lieu-Kieu." Archiv fur Asiatische Literatur, Geschichte und Sprachkunde [8 p.]
1824. "Description des Iles Lieou-Khieou, extraite de plusieurs ouvrages chinois et japonois." Nouvelles Annales des Voyages, de la Geographie et de l'Histoire [28 p.]
1826. "Description des iles de Lieou-khieou extraite d'ouvrages japonais et chinois." Memoire relatif a l'Asie, contenant des recherches historiques, geographiques et philosophiques sur les peuples de l'Orient [33 p.]
1832. "Notice des iles Lieou-khieou, appelees en japonais Riou Kiou." In San Kokf Tsou Ran To Sets [Sangoku tsuran zusetsu] Traduit de l'original Japonais-Chinois par Mr. J. Klaproth [12 p.]
ANONYMOUS :1828. "Sur la langue des Iles Lieou-khieou." Journal Asiatique [2 p.].
BEECHEY, Frederic W. :1831. Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait, performed in His Majesty's Ship Blossom,...[89 p.]
PEARD, George :[1827] 1973. To the Pacific and Artic with Beechey. The Journal of Lieutenant G. Peard of H.M.S. Blossom, 1825-1828 (Edited by Barry M. Gough)[10 p.]
ABEEL, David :1834. Journal of a Residence in China and the Neighboring Countries from 1829 to 1833 "Loo Choo Islands" [7 p.]
WILLIAMS, Samuel Wells :1837. "Narrative of a Voyage of the ship Morrison, Captain D. Ingersoll, to Lewchew and Japan, in the months of July and August, 1837." Chinese Repository [55 p.]
ANONYMOUS :1837. "A Brief History of Lewchew [By a Chinese envoy in 1757]." Chinese Repository [6 p.]
GUTZLAFF, Charles :1834. Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China, in 1831, 1832, & 1833, with notices of Siam, Corea, and the Loo-Choo Islands [12 p.]
DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules S. C. :1834-35. Voyage pittoresque autour du monde [19 p.]
SIEBOLD, Philipp Franz Jonkheer von. :1832. Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan und dessen neben -und schutzlandern Jezo mit den Sudlichen Kurilen, Krafto, Koorai und den Liukiu Inseln...[34 p.]
BRIDGMAN, E. C. :1837. "Lewkew Kwo che leo. A brief history of Lewchew, containing an account of the situation and extent of that country, its inhabitants, their manners, customs, institutions, etc." Chinese Repository [6 p.]
PARKER, Peter :1838. Journal of an Expedition from Sincapore to Japan with a Visit to Loochoo... [75p.?]
BOWMAN, J. J. B. :1841. "Account of the Wreck of the Indian Oak." The Nautical Magazine and Naval Chronicle [20 p.]
BELCHER, Edward :1848. Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang,... With notes on the natural history of the [Ryukyu] islands, by Arthur Adams [94 p.]
FORNIER-DUPLAN, Benigne Eugene : [1844] 1908. "Campagne de l'Alcmene en Extreme-Orient [17 p.]
GRIVEL, L. A. Richild :1845. "Une campagne de la corvette l'Alcmene sur la cote nord de Chine et aux iles Liou-tchou,...Annales maritimes et coloniales [15 p.]
FORCADE, Theodore Augustin :[1844-46] 1885. Le Premier Missionnaire du Japon au XIXe siecle [139 p.]
BOLLORE, Jean-Rene :[1844] 1979. Voyages en Chine et autres lieux, 23-1-1839-13-5-1846 [6 p.]
CECILLE, Jean-Baptiste M. : 1846. ["Lettre au ministre de la Marine, 12 octobre 1846"] Unpublished [15 p.] & 1847. ["Extrait du memoire remis au commandant Lapierre, 23 fevrier 1847"] Unpublished [4 p.]
GUILLON, Henri Stanislas Casimir :[1846] 1981. La Sabine, 1400 jours dans les Mers de Chine [12 p.]
LETURDU, Pierre-Marie :1849. "Lettre de M. Leturdu, Missionnaire apostolique de la Congregation des Missions Etrangeres..." Annales de la Propagation de la Foi [20 p.]
1849. "Rapport sur Liou-Kiou, a MM. les Membres du Conseil Central de Lyon." Unpublished ethnographic report, Archives de la Societe des Missions-Etrangeres de Paris [ 30 p. ?]
BOWRING, John :1852. "The Madjicosima Islands...(Meia-co-shi-ma, or Meia-koon-koomah) Islands." Transactions of the Journal of the North China Branch, Royal Asiatic Society [8 p.]
JURIEN DE LA GRAVIERE, Jean-Baptiste Edmond :1854. Voyage en Chine et dans les mers et archipels de cet empire pendant les annees [30 p.]
HALLORAN, Alfred Laurence :1856. Wae Yang Jin. Eight Months' Journal Kept on Her Majesty's Sloop [20 p.]
BETTELHEIM, Bernard Jean. :1850. "Letters from B. J. Bettelheim, M.D., giving an account of his residence and missionary labors in Lewchew during the last three years (1849)." China Repository [66 p.]
SMITH, George :1853. Lewchew and the Lewchewans; being a Narrative of a Visit to Lewchew, or Loo Choo, in October 1850 [104 p.]
CLIFFORD, Herbert J. :1853. The Seventh Report of the Loochoo Mission Society for 1851-52 [32 p.]
FARRE, Frederic J. :1853. "Medicine in Lewchew. Introduction of Vaccination." Medical Times and Gazette [9 p.]
ANONYMOUS :1854. "Description of Loochoo by a Native of China [in 1853]." North China Herald [11 p.]
TAYLOR, Bayard :1855. A Visit to India, China, and Japan, in the Year 1853 [33 p.]
HAWKS, Francis L. :1856. Narrative of the Expedition ...under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry... [89 p.]
MORROW, J. :1856. "Observations on the Agriculture of Lew Chew." [6 p.]
GREEN, D. S. :1856. "Report on the Medical Topography and Agriculture of Great Lew Chew." [15 p.]
FAHS, Charles. F. :1856. "Report on the Botany, Ethnography, etc., of Lew Chew." [10 p.]
JONES, George :1856. "Report of a Geological Exploration of Lew Chew." [4 p.]
JONES, George :1856. "Report of an Exploration of Lew Chew." [5 p.]
PERRY, Matthew C. :[1853-54] The Japan Expedition. The Personal Journal of Commodore Matthew C. Perry (Edited by Roger Pineau) [30 p.]
SPALDING, J. Willet :[1853-54] 1885. The Japan Expedition. Japan and Around the World, An Account of Three Visits to the Japanese Empire, with Sketches of Madeira, St. Helena, Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, Ceylon Singapore, China, and Loo-Choo [50 p.]
WILLIAMS, Samuel Wells :[1853-54] 1910. "A Journal of the Perry Expedition to Japan, 1853-1854." TASJ [ 30 p. ?]
HEINE, Wilhelm :[1853-54] 1990. With Perry to Japan. A Memoir by William Heine... (Translation of Reise um die Erde nach Japan an Bord der Expeditions-Escadre unter Commodore M. C. Perry, 1856, by Frederic Trautmannn) [33 p.]
PREBLE, George Henry :[1854] 1962. The Opening of Japan. A Diary of Discovery in the Far-East, 1853-1856... (Edited by Boleslaw Szczesniak) [23 p.]

神戸女学院大学教授 真栄平房昭
