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「かくれキリシタン」 全2巻


ISBN 4-931444-34-2 約630頁

ザビエル来日450周年を迎え、日本におけるキリスト教史の研究は更なる展開を 見せはじめていますが、海外においても15世紀のキリスト布教から19世紀末ま で続くキリシタン迫害の歴史は、大きな学問のテーマとして研究されつづけら れています。今回編集される論文集は、この450年のキリスト教史に関する今世 紀の研究の選集です。編者は‘ The Kakure Kirishitan of Japan : A study of their development, beliefs and rituals to the present day' の著者として知られる英国の研 究者です。 編者による書き下ろし序文と索引が加えられています。


掲載内容 (予定)

Volume I:「キリシタンの時代」'Open Christianity in Japan 1549-1639'

Introduction by Stephen Turnbull (20pp)
MURAKAMI, Naojiro , ' The Jesuit Seminary of Azuchi' (5pp)
DEBERGH, Minako , 'Deux Nouvelles Etudes sur l'Histoire du Christianite au Japon: 1.
Bases Doctrinales et Images du sacrement de l'Eucharistie a l'Epoque des premieres
missions chretiennes au Japan' (24pp)
DEBERGH, Minako, 'Deux Nouvelles Etudes sur l'Histoire du Christianite au Japon:2.
Les pratiques de purification et de penitence au Japon vues par les missionaires Jesuites
aux XVIe et XVII siecles'. (50pp)
BOXER, C.R. 'Hosokawa Tadaoki and the Jesuits, 1587-1645'. (41pp)
GOSSMANN Elisabeth 'Gracia Hosokawa Tama (15pp)
DORHOUT, Marten , 'Early European influences on Japanese (22pp)
CIESLIK, Hubert, 'The Great Martydom of Edo'.(44pp)
ANESAKI, Masaharu, 'Writings on martyrdom in Kirishitan literature'. (46pp)
MAYER, Oskar, 'Fukansai Fabian and Kirishitan - A Paradigm of Modern Awareness'
ANASAKI, Masaharu, 'Prosecution of Kirishitan after the Shimabara Insurrection' (8pp)

Volume II:「かくれキリシタン」の時代'Closed Christianity in Japan 1639-1873'

CIESLIK, Hubert, 'The Case of Christavao Ferreira' (54pp)
BREEN, John L. 'Heretics in Nagasaki: 1790-1796' (9pp)
BURKMAN, Thomas W. , 'The Urakami Incidents and the Struggle for Religious
Toleration in Early Meiji Japan' (73pp)
HUMBERTCLAUDE, Pierre, 'Doctrina en dix Articles et Doctrina en onze Articles'
MURAKAMI, Naojiro, 'An old church calendar in Japanese' (5pp)
ABE, Yoshiya , 'From Prohibition to Toleration: Japanese Government Views regarding
Christianity, 1854-1873' (32pp)
BRAY, William D. , 'The Hidden Christians of Ikutsuki (sic) island' (9pp)
HARRINGTON, Ann M.,'The Kakure Kirishitan and their place in Japan's religious
tradition' (19pp)
WHELAN, Christal, 'Religion concealed: the Kakure Kirishitan on Narushima' (19pp)
NOSCO, Peter, 'Secrecy and the Transmission of Tradition: Issues in the Study of the
"Underground" Christians' (27pp)
KAMSTRA, Jacques H., 'Kakure Kirishitan: The Hidden or Secret Christians of
Nagasaki' (12pp)
KAWAI, Hayao , 'The Transformation of Biblical Myths in Japan' (18pp)
TAKASAKI, Megumi 'The Process of abandoning the Hidden Christian Heritage in
Contemporary Japan'. (12pp)