英語版 ビュフォンの博物誌 全9巻
Natural History, General and Particular
9 vols.
Count de Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc
Translated with notes and observations by William
With a new introduction by Aeron V. Garrett, Boston
University |
●ボストン大学Aeron Garrettによる新序文付き
The History of Theory of the Earth
Proofs of the Theory of the Earth:Of the Formation of
Planets / Of Whiston's Theory of the Earth / Of Burnet's
Theory / Of Woodward's Theory / Examination of some other
Theories; Bourquet's Theory, Leibniz's Theory, Scheutzer's
Theory / Geography / Of the Formation of Strata, or Beds,
in the Earth / Of Shells, and other Productions of the
Sea, found in the interior Parts of the Earth / Of the
Inequalities upon the the Earth's Surface / Of Rivers
/ Of Sea and Lakes / Of the Tides / Of Inequalities in
the Bottom of the Sea, and of Currents / Of Regular Winds
/ Of Irregular Winds, Hurricanes, Walter-Spouts, and other
Phaenomena occasioned by the Agitation of the Sea, and
of the Air / Of Volcano's and Earthquakes / Of New Islands,
Caverns, perpendicular Fissures, etc.
Of the Effects of Rains- of Marches, Subterraneous Wood
and Waters / Of the Changes of Land into Sea and of Sea
into Land / Conclusion
Analogies between Animals and Vegetables
Of Reproduction in general / Of Nutrition and Growth /
Of the Generation of Animals
Examination of the different Systems of Generation / Comparison
of my own Experiments with those of Leeuwenhoak / Reflections
on the proceeding Experiments
Varieties in the Generation of Animals / Of the Formation
of the Foetus / Of the Expansion, Growth, and Delivery
of the Foetus / Recapitulation
The Natural History of Man
Of the Nature of Man / Of Infancy / Of Puberty / Of Manhood
/ Of Old Age and Death Tables of Probability and Duration
of Human Life / Of the Sense of Seeing / Of the Sense
of Hearing / Of the Senses in General / Of the Variety
of the Human Species
A Dissertation on the Nature of Animals
Domestic Animals
The Natural History of the Horse, of the Ass, of the Ox,
of the Sheep, of the Goat, of the Hog, the Hog of Siam…./
The Natural History of the Dog, of the Cat
Wild Animals
The Natural History of the Stag, or Red Deer, of the Hog
Stag, of the Fallow Staf, of the Roe Deer, of the Hare…………/
The Natural History of the Wolf, of the Black Wolf, of
the Fox, of the Badger, of the Otter, of the Martin, of
the Ferret………/ The Natural History of the Mouse, of the
long-tailed Field Mouse, of the Water Rat, of the Guiney
Pig, of the Hedgehog, of the Mole, of the Pensylvania
Mole, of the Bat……./ The Natural History of the Bear,
of the Beaver, of the Raccoon, of the Coati, ……/ Natural
History of the Tiger, of the Panther, Ounce, Leopard,
Cougar, Lynx…../ Natural History of the Caracal, the Hyaena,
the Givet, ………/ Natural History of the great Ant-eater,
short-tailed Manis, the three banded Armadillo, the Paca,
the Virginian Opossum……./ The Natural History of the Elephants,
the Rhinoceros, the Camel, the Buffalo, the Mouflon, the
Axis, Tapir……/ Natural History of the Zebra, the Hippopotamus,
the Elk, the Wild Goat, the Saiga, the Antilopes or Gazelles…../
The Nomenclature of Apes/ Natural History of the Orang-outangs,
the Pigmy, the Gibbon, the Great Baboon, the Mandrill,
the Mona, the Callitrix, the Talapoin…../ Natural History
of the Sapajous, the Ouarine, the Sajou, the Saki, the
Mexican Wolf, the Alco, the White Polar Bear, the Crab